Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The comedy of it all.

Quotes: In order for true reason and rationale.

True comedy "said Voltaire" is the speaking picture of the follies and foibles of a Nation.

Perfect Love Cast Out Fear. What we often see in people of faith, though, is an imperfect love that embraces fear. "Leonard Pitts"

No science will ever replace myth, and myth cannot be made out of any science, for it is not that God is a myth but that myth is the revelation of a divine life in man. It is not we who invent myth, rather it speaks to us as a word of God. "Carl Gustau Jung"

To be able to practice fire things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue gravity, generosity of the soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. "Confucius"

The way of Heaven has no favorites. It is always with the good man. "Lao TZU"

Proverbs 16:27 Scoundrels hunts for scandal; their words are a destructive blaze.

Proverbs 18:17 Any story sounds true until some one sets the record straight.

Proverbs 4:14-16 Do not do as wicked do or follow the path of evildoers. Avoid their haunts. Turn away and go somewhere else. For the evil people cannot rest until they have caused someone to stumble.

The ultimate measure of a man is not ware he stands in moment of comfort and convenience but ware he stand in times of challenge and controversy. "Martin Luther King"

Leviticus 19:14 Show your fear of God by treating the deaf with respect and by not taking advantage of the blind. I am the Lord.

Laws are not masters, but servants, and we rule Laws if we obey them.

Proverbs 31:8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice.

This is the basic knowledge, and philosophy to Proficientaccost Political Alliance and hence the name.