Monday, January 17, 2011

All in the Name Happy Leadership Day

This is an important day especially for men for how to be a leader was paved for all me in this country. Martin said "The Arc of the Moral Universe is long, but it bends towards justice". Therefore it is important to know how to be a true leader with out being demeaning to any one for Martin lead this country with great reasoning, and made solution with true moral rational, and He made his fight with good judgment to build a nation not to separate or tare it down. So we celebrate his birthday as Happy Leadership day for it is all in the name Martin Luther King Jr. a true leader. He was partially name after Martin Luther who founded the Lutheran church that stopped the Catholic church from doing the hurtful things that they do. His last name speak for it self King which is to lead, to govern, to take care of your nation, That is what a true king is and that what a true king do. Martin Lead the next biggest enlightenment movement in history since the formation of the Lutheran church for remember they miss used the name of God to approve the abuse of slavery and injustice just as the Catholic church So God gave him that name as he gave me my name Varick Camron Choice for our parent my name us but we all are inspired some how and men like Martin saved us from defiling ourselves and he said " The ultimate measure of a man is not were he stand in moments of comfort or convenience but were he stand in times of challenge and controversy". You see all that speak out for the good of all stand with out murdering but those who are living in comfort and convenience murder to try to keep the greater good from happening. Thus history have it that we fight those that oppress us, and the leader has always been God pulling people to a place of safety keeping the oppressors from genocide, or over indulgence in abuse, and that fight continue on to this day. So I would like to say Happy Birthday Martin Luther King Jr. for the future looks brighter cause God gave you grace and that grace you shared with a nation who's the school house of the world, Lead on baby Lead on.