Thursday, February 17, 2011

1939 the year the US declared Bankrupt

All eye to the future, or

All eyes to the Question.

What will we do if we just print money,? Print more money, what do you think happened to

countries in the past. What did England do but changed names and made alliances; What did Britain do but changed names and made alliance; What do you think the United Kingdom will do? O Yep what did the Soviet Union do but brake up and change names. The fact of the matter is the government who promise to get us out of bankruptcy is the ones who put us in bankruptcy and will not or have now wanted to do nothing to get us out of bankruptcy. All there plans is to use words like deficit to make it sound like they have everything under control yet the only control we see is the lost of this country slowly but surely while they print money so they themselves can stay rich. The Fact is the US government avoid taking action to a simple problem because they themselves are rich and wealth and have allow us to be bankrupted following in the foot steps of it's European alliance who was also bankrupt at the time they gave the US the money to become the US. Crabs in a barrel who want some one to owe them cause they owe some one else when the whole world is bankrupt. So it still leads to the question what do we do. Heal is all anyone can do not change the government but the people that is in it who just seek a paycheck and run from real solution. The fact is we have to let our national resources heal and grow. Stop selling land and allow forest to return; Stop looking to other countries to carry us but carry or selves and allow long turn US citizens the ability to get rich and live out dreams American dreams and stop letting in foreigner to take all the stardom and easy money under US citizens noses. We need to bring back private farms in more abundance to feed the country and the world. We can not keep depend on big monopolies that take more jobs away and something to do away from everyone forcing prices to rise and people to be unemployed. We must put more living control on the hands of the men in the US so they can run there house hold and do away with the over exploitation of our children and women especially in the black communities. We have to stop the government from created division in our homes, and communities for we need to grow in clean fun and operate as individuals not mobsters. The moral decision will be made or not and that is where the true problem is going to come, not the fact of bankruptcy. We war against Communism which try to build an utopia but we are selves is deep into socialism and the republic is not the republic (Republic being congress and the legislators) here but a democracy for the rich and big business; leaving the true democracy being the citizens, are extorted to pay insurance and fees by passing laws and bill that create the same problems that caused the bailout. Business is expected to be aided by observing certain superstitions, which bargain in the trading of ages ago and to which new belief and taboos are being constantly added. So don't think the deficit is just about gold, and paper bills. Every empire runs out of gold as it grows and know history has ever been recorded that has not. Thus the US being the newest empire has ran out in march 9th 1939 and we are in the year 2011 it is time to build a new in more truth and less cover up and that can only be done together as a nation putting and electing the common man in office who will work for the individual that inhabit this nation. It is up to you to let the philosopher of this nation grow and so we all can leave much to our children. This message is from the ExpoundReformer Varick Camron Choice.