Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Republican & Democrats Finger Pointing is Leadship that is RUINING this Nation

Leadership that is worrisome, meaning less, and discriminating-ly vague as to create confusion of citizens welfare, rights, and trust is the only talk the Republicans and Democrats can offer the US citizen on the August 3rd default debts to increase the nations borrowing limit or not. It is the most inhumane as well as the most irresponsible decision to even think about or threaten cutting 27 million social security check in the US and yet they are calling their selves leaders. These are leader who will put the most helpless in the US the elderly and disabled people on the streets who can not work nor get employment because of age or disability. Everything the US stands for has crash any time the leaders of our government make that kind of inhumane decision that will cripple us more then help. These leaders suppose to protect this country from crime yet they do everything to promote it and by putting 27 million to 70 million disabled, crazy, and elderly people on the street you will find a rise in crime and they will have no place to go but jail and prison. It cost at max 41 thousand dollars and at minimum 40 thousand dollars to house one prisoner for one day, yet they are willing to flip that bill time 27 million helpless people add to the number of prisoners in jail today then just being humane and do the right thing. It is like I said in previous blogs everybody and all nations are just printing bills. The US is not getting loans in Gold! Thus every government is just printing paper bills. So print paper bills and pay who ever back! Sen. McConnell and Rep. Boehner say they don't want to deal till Obama is out of office is the most childish finger pointing in the history of this country when so many Innocent live are endangered; further they don't want to deal because they don't want Obama to get the credit for being a good president is childish and arrogant as over 60 to 70 years of their leadership show this is why this country has this problem today from years of there sorry and incompetent leadership loving to point the finger rather than doing the job they are payed to do, those men should be fired and impeached for speaking out so recklessly when so many live whom worked to help support this country for 60 to 90 years is being targeted unfairly. If the US is in that much debt the first thing need to be done is to stop being an Imperialistic country bring those troops home all over the globe and stop giving other countries so much add for we can not afford it. In that the US will save about 100 trillion dollars, for if the US is that broke all is left to do is take care of home. If the US is that broke we can not spend money policing the world and adding the worlds helpless; we Must add our helpless at Home!This message is true enlightenment from the ExpoundReformer Varick C Choice