Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Black Supremacy is not the Enemy it's the ignorant leadership! ! !

We as a Nation and a people have been subject to the tyrant of or own Women and Men spreading message of slavery and ignorants confusion within a movement and a cause.

Its time to set the record straight. To many Leaders are teaching the same thing they preach against to be the very vice that hold the movement back and keep the movement in the very bondage they speak they will lead us out of. This madness has to stop and here is where we are as a people.

I will speak to the women fist. Women for to long you have help keep your children in bondage misusing your power and authority listening to the leaders that teach the distractions of our race and community and for to long you have look down on every good man calling him weak and giving know support to your good men, but you thrive on words of destruction that destroy family and civilization.

Women these leaders you listen to are call con, pimp, madam, player, prostitute, whore, dope dealer and playboys. They scream out teaching not to work for the white man and talk bad about every brother trying and doing thing the right and correct way. And because decent men are alone and not in some gang or crew you women follow these corrupt leader who steal wives and girl friends and prostitute children through there on mothers. The fact you see them with a group of whore male and female impress you and you follow and become everything those leaders preach against and yet you don't Even see what you are doing nor what you have become.

You look at these men as if they are credibility but they are a liability teaching you to work in some white man whore house, teaching your son and daughters to be slaves in a white man prison, teaching your son and daughter to be informant for the white man, teaching your sons and daughter to be a slave to the white man dope and etc... .

My sister a real Leader and strong brother gives you the key to his heart with the respect and honor deserving of a queen, He take you Lovingly not selfishly allowing time for you to yield, his integrity stands out and his integrity can be question but not compromised his dignity is the degree of excellence true grandeur of mien, with the meekness within true passions of a movement and the voice of welfare for his and all people.

My dear sister you are women you give your heart to your leader with out quest and even in doubt you think but you still offer your heart.

So precious is women and her power why should it be bottle up into bondage when family is so much more important. A women should take care of her home only then could she know how to take care of the community and movement. Any leader that tell you to leave you husband or your man for him or the movement is one who deceives while being deceived.

The home has it's misfortune and it's sorrow but that is the only bit of heave left on this earth and a women should let nothing take it out of her hands. Only a good women build her home a bad one tear it down with her on hands. Look for the integrity of the leader and the values with in the struggle do not be lead astray sisters.

Men you have to stop teaching failures in the community which is division and you have to stop teaching women that a good brother is weak. For we need architect, engineers, doctors, lawyers, politicians, etc... , and it is a shame how the black community through your guidance run them to another race for you are the ones that teach are sister against these men we need to stay home and build us a better community and a better future. Black power is nothing with out true construction and not the angry embarrassment of fight and flaws you all have created with in the movement and I'm talking Muslim, christian, the nation of Islam etc... . Wake up it is about building a better tomorrow for everybody not just yourselves! ! ! Quit giving the rest of us leaders a bad name because you have know true honor nor dignity.

The community Live and strives of pink and blue, blue and pink it is what we are made of male and female and we are nothing with out one another and we are everything together, yah dig!! This is us..... A man hands her the key to his heart and she has to unlock it, the women hands him her heart because she summits to him. This has a great principle women is the stronger and should summit to man for a man never choose a women she choose the man thus because she is the nature she is she has to get the key to open a man heart to her it is pleasure to unlock secrets and receive all the love a man gives. This extended to a leader be responsible; your breaking more then hearts you are ruining future,; the game is no game it is the cycle of life and should and must be respected for it is more beautiful then even this illustration.