Thursday, September 18, 2014

Endowed With Reason = Noetic = Fluid Elapse Ability

      Fluid Elapse Ability has many departments. I have developed the Martial Art in church to build a better day to leave life, love, living more beautiful and beneficial then when we inherited our place in social connection of reason and responsibility and development. I will only speak on the non-profit departments of Fluid Elapse Ability in this article.  I am looking to franchise and enterprise the business building strong neighborhoods and communities through out this country and the world.


      Fluid Elapse Ability is a profit and non-profit business. Therefore I will not file for 501 (C)(3) because it will destroy the social, political, and cooperative economic liberty.  There is no such thing as separation of church and state when it comes to Fluid Elapse Ability because there is no religion  in Fluid Elapse Ability.  In short what I am saying is Fluid Elapse Ability definition of church is different from the church of old with religion. Fluid Elapse Ability definition protect that church and state will not and can not be separated thus creating a better state in the habitat with the inhabitants. Fluid Elapse Ability define church to be body, mind, soul, and spirit which is the human temple as a individual; Whereas all other churches of religion define church to be the clergy accompanied by religion being spiritual or a occult body.  Thus the saying of separation of church and state is not correct the correct saying is separation of church and religion for the separation of the church from the state would be to separation of humanity from the state and the state is responsible for the welfare of it's humanity which is body, mind, soul, and spirit of it's human inhabitants.

    Educational Advocate of Community Legislation healing is the legislative, medical, educational department of Fluid Elapse Ability. Laws are not our masters but we rule them if we obey them. Get rid of the lies and there is no reason to hate the laws that govern a social engagement in life, love and living because we all want the same and that is to be well in our body, mind, soul, and spirit by good government and we are the first start to good government as a democracy with power to create what we want for good life, living and love. This is the key vehicle to lobby of all the good to make a perfect state for the communities.


      Proficientaccost Political Alliance (PAPA) is not a political party it is a political alliance to get and gain the support needed to hire and fire in the interest of the citizen, to help get law(s) vetoed or pass in the interest of the citizen and not the corporate vehicle that often over look what is best for the county is the welfare of all it's people. It is the state of the people that make up the state of the country and In God We Trust has won out and brought us to a better state.  The only gold being fought over is black gold (oil) and it not so much for the making of money because In God We Trust has already won but more for the power of condition that control and fuel the world.  Who ever controls the source or energy that turn the world will control the world and that is what the fighting is about. Every one is just printing the money they need. Hence we are well versed so speak to first for the true upliftment of this country in a united union of good life, love, and living for all bring and keeping us in a better state.

     This is what Fluid Elapse Ability is about and much more. Look for us as we are finishing the blue prints and will hit the streets for the construction of perfection