Monday, July 18, 2016

Citizen Check's Real Solution to Social Volition and Economic Stability solving all Problem's in the U.S.A.

We can know longer wait on the Executive Branch (President/Vice President) who is the Monarchy nor can we wait on the Legislative Branch (Congress/ Senate, House) who is the republic nor can we wait on Judicial Branch (Federal Courts) who is the Parliamentary to solve the problem in the U.S.A.; We the Citizen of the U.S.A who is the Democracy must solve the problems in the U.S.A. Join us the social club, and political alliance Proficientaccost Political Alliance to lobby and solve the problem here in America.
             The Burning Question is what to do with the cop's, citizens and criminals in the U.S.A.  Not to be a calamity howler but we have to get all these problems solve before we end up in major violence around the country with riots, hate groups, organize public office crimes, and communism that is criminal invasion of privacy that is already here in the U.S.A.
            We the citizen of the U.S.A have to push, and lobby, and go to the court if need be to get citizen check's for all citizen for 2,500 dollars.  The problem with this county is poor socialization of economical liberation which in turn socialize so many people to do crime and be criminals be it white collar crime or blue collar crime or street crimes.  President Roosevelt die before he could give us true social volition with a second bill of rights guaranteeing all citizens Food, a Home, Health Care and Money to live.  This is what the Citizen Check's will be Roosevelt's second bill of rights to solve all the problem in the U.S.A once and for all. 

            The fact is we are the god's and goddess of this world and it is our responsibility to make it a perfect world.  The point of government is to take care of all the citizens needs better then they can individually. We know there is good and bad in this world and know body can escapes responsibility not even God.  We must work for ourselves and get rid of as much bad as we can which is the point of good government. The Democracy is the most feared and hated government in history because the citizen is always controlled by the bad order and so we exist in a bad socialized society.  The Democracy suppose to be the best government because the citizen run the government and of course they will do what is best for everybody, but that is not the case because the citizen do anything for a better life and living and we have to many oppressors and suppressors with the money and the power that socialize the citizens. Citizen Check's will give the Democracy the proper socialization need to end all crimes once and for all and give love a chance to really win out and the good order a chance to socialize the people. We are a product of our environment so we need to make our environment socially correct with citizen check's and stop enslaving our business's to be the citizens government.  People go in business to make money not to become there employee's government because they are making a lot of money nor do people go into business to hand over their business to their employee because they work for them. We have to have citizen check's to make everything socially correct.  We must make the government do it's job and duty and be government and not capitalism because no business can ever employ every person in this country.  People are not dead beats they are unemployed and poorly socialized.  Everybody wants to be good and will be good if given a real chance and citizen checks will be that chance.  

             We have the money for we print it and make as much as we want the deficit is a fraud it means nothing; the money is not gold or gems it will never run out. We have so many programs to help people in this country and so many programs that hurt people in this country citizen check's will get rid of all those unnecessary programs that help certain people and discriminate against the rest of the citizens.  After all capital is what you are not the money in your pocket.  Yes we are capital and what make this country work.  If you get a job or got a job great you still get paid from your job and paid by the government with the citizen check's this will build the country with the spend spend spend we need and bring a better quality of living equally for all citizens so know one has to rob, steal or kill any more.  
            The government here in Milwaukee has been practicing communism for over 20 years with a program of Organized Stalking and Organized Surveillance like the communist did to there citizens.  Yes they are casting peals to swine!  They use criminal and gang and corrupted police officers to illegally watch and stalk good people in their own homes and when they are on the streets.  So the good people get beating, robbed, murdered, threaten, harassed, criminal invasion of privacy, entering the victims home playing games as to haunt and taunt the victim, etc by the Organized Stalkers and Organized Surveillance they have on every block set up through the government and police.  Can you image what a program like that cost to illegally watch every renting citizens in their homes in Milwaukee and it is probably practice through out the country as well as in people homes that buy their own homes.  This is the reason people get picked on in their communities, jobs, and schools and the reason those people picked on yes victims try to kill everybody because they was driven mad because you can't find any one to help or get the police to do anything about it so all are guilty of Organized Stalking and Organized Surveillance to the victim driven mad.  I saw for my own eyes the monitors and surveillance as I to am a victim and still being harass and attacked they had in a neighborhood on 32nd and Vilet and I could not get police, or any part of the justice system to do anything about it.  They have a organization here in Milwaukee now called C.A.O.S. which mean "Citizens Against Organized Stalking" so it is not my imagination I have nothing to do with the group but I might join some day.  They money is there for citizen check's but they want to keep creating criminal by socializing people to be criminals. Remember people make a lot of money off of corruption and don't want crime to stop.  We must push, lobby, and take it to the courts if need be to get the citizen check bill past as the 2 Bill of Rights like President Roosevelt wanted and was doing.    

             We are squandering time waiting for the politicians to solve all the problem in the U.S.A and time is the stuff life is made of.  We don't need their lies or them clowning us any more with talk of deficit because we know it do not matter. No country is going to give up all it's Gold and country to another hence in God we trust because the citizen honoring money or gold as currency is what make it work not how much Gold in the reserves.  Yes the only reason currency is worth anything is if the citizen honor it as currency. If the citizen stop honoring gold as currency then gold is just but a rock you find in the dirty like money is just the wood that grow on trees, hence we the citizen are capital.  We built this world so we can have better life and a better future for all.  Humanity is the gods and goddesses of this world time to finish and build perfect for all humanity.
             Please join Proficientaccost Political Alliance and ask, yes pick up the telephone call your district  Legislator & Representative to Author and Sponsor the citizen check bill so every citizen will receive $2,500.00 a month.  Now the senate and the house will write the bill but if they don't know what you are talking about have them read the bill proposal on this website and tell them to look up and read the bill proposal on the website and you would like them to Author and sponsor the bill for citizen checks.  It is our responsibility to get this done and end poverty and crime in the U.S.A. Find out who is your district legislator and representative and contact them to the more we ask the faster we will get it done.

 contact send them to this site if they need more info

Barack Obama
              Write the President before he leaves office and ask him to Author and sponsor the citizen check bill send him to this website:

                         comments 1-202-456-1111
                         comments 1-202-456-6213
                       switch board 1-202-456-1414

Letter should go- 
Barack Obama
President of the United States of America
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington DC 20500

contact Ask to Author and sponsor citizen check bill send them to this site if they need more info

Senator Lena C. Taylor
Telephone 1-608-266-5810 or 1414-342-7176
Fax 1-608-282-3544

contact Ask to Author and sponsor citizen check bill send them to this site if they need more info

David Bowen
Telephone 1-608-266-7671 or 1-888-534-0010
Fax 1-608-282-3610

             We all have grown up under the curse of generational human traffickers and the religious cursing us and condemning us with Force, Fraud, Coercion, and Conspiracy.  It is part of our lives for it was made into a life style and we good people who stay out the world don't even know what is happening to our children or our neighborhoods. 
We are swagged out and act the same good people say family and human traffickers say family but meaning is different.  Human trafficker teach good people kid to be bad at home so they can get kick out or go to a foster home where the human trafficker can use them better once they get the kids away from the parents protection.  Human trafficker threaten the victims they will kill their parents and are will organized with pimp law and organized stalking and organized surveillance.  The victims seem free but they are not. The victims are always angry and push people away being unreasonable with just about anything because the human traffickers threaten to hurt of kill any one that will help or get close to the victim.  It does not matter if you are rich or poor this is what happening to your children and I just making you aware of the main problem in this country.  They dehumanize the victim and make them recruit others and the police, and politicians will do nothing to help.  Citizen Check will give the people who are poor in poverty a chance to band together and move away from these human trafficker who have them trapped and stuck cause they don't have money to move. That is why I built the Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability so that good people will build true church no religion and build and live in the same community together taking away the destructive power of bad people over the good people. To be the warrior class lobbying and getting it done so the house of the righteous can finally rule.

            Please contact your district Legislator and Representative to Author the citizen check bill.  We are kept broke so good people get trapped to human traffickers as elite crime schemes that is well placed in our government and we the citizen as the Democracy have to make that differences so that every citizen can enjoy life, love, and living and there is no need for crime the key is through socialization of citizen not prisons, jails, and other forms of hidden slavery.  We are one race humanity and from black and white we have every ethnic group around the world.  Yes from blond hair and blue eyes and from black hair and brown eyes we have every color of hair and eyes and skin in this world.  The children always out number the parents and nobody is pure white or black any more and it has been this way for over 6000 years. You try to get rid of the black or white in you you die, get sick, and curse yourself and your family with many illnesses. We are made in the image of God as gods and goddesses we build this world or destroy it and God told us to have a lot of sex and fill the earth up and subdue it and to be the gardeners and craftsman.  Then he taught us how to build a perfect civilization with the ten commandment of which no country can live with out God laws so every country have the 10 commandments as laws.

             Ambition has no place in politic and business for it breeds corruption.  In sports and some areas of home life there is a place for ambition.  We have to be responsible and hire and fire correctly to get the people in office that will build a perfect world because we are so close to having a perfect world we just need to get the corrupt hearts and minds out of office who is full of ambition.  A public servant is just that and should not be there just to line his or her pockets.  Doing good for all is prestige not how much you oppress or suppress this world and the people within that is shame and contempt not prestige. 

           We do not need this sort of eloquent silence from our friends we need everybody to speak out and call their Legislators and Representatives to get things done.  I live in a close to perfect world and a bad world now I am going to live in a perfect world because I am going to build it with you.  You all have to stop listening to your self seeking circle, business, friends, gangs, crews, etc and do what is right for all of us and get the citizen check bill past.             Stop being a peon and start being a right on and do what is right and correct to do so we live in a perfect world before we die and see that our children live in a perfect world it is just delegation and we the citizen are the delegates and employees to victory in perfection stop listening to those who want to make money by oppression, suppression, corruption, and crime.
            You can not allow the enemy within you, your town, your home, etc make you believe we are broke and don't have the money to give every citizen citizen checks because that is a lie.  We make and print the money and we do not have a deficit we don't owe anyone.  We the citizen is the capital and the reason anything is worth something.

             The poverty pimps, human trafficker, religious all whom business is enslavement, oppression, and suppression will try to turn you against any one building a perfect word and doing what Jesus said to do as a peace maker.  Yes if you are a true christian or a true peace maker with a good heart then you will help lobby and get everybody a citizen check and stop inflation which is the biggest trick of the corrupt at heart poverty pimps or capitalism, or monopolies.

             We all are great and we all should serve humanity to make everybody life great if you believe in God or humanity then nobody should be stuck working 8 hours a day.  We should have 4 to no more the 6 hour work day.  That way everybody can have more time to build their body, mind, soul and spirit.  I want a 4 hour work day just so we have more time to enjoy life and spend money living life.  The citizen check will make this possible.  We are headed towards a world that is going to be service job anyway give people plenty to do with themselves in enjoyment.
            You should love you enough to want to have the time to build a better you and a better socialization for all.  The better life everybody have then the better life we will have as individuals.  In Fluid Elapse Ability I teach church is not religion I teach church is Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit and we should have the time to build up the temple of God which is ourselves finding our oneness with God.

Proficientaccost mean- well verse speak to first.