Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Governmental EnSlavement of Humanity through a Hidden system of Dogma Slavery has been enforced in the USA not Ended

            Slavery is still very much alive in the United States of America it has never ended.  The Government still allow them to enslave us body, mind, soul, and spirit through it's hidden system of Dogma raising us up in a culture of slavery designed to make you thing you are free and suppose to work for a living.  Yes they make you believe you suppose to work for a living yet the government does not equally pay everyone nor is any person guaranteed a job or employment for life, love, and living we all are forced to work and depend on some one else as employer and we the working class to get the money we need just to be the working poor in extreme poverty.  This is why we have to get citizen check to end all slavery and the brain washing thereof slave master and noble men here in the United States and being a slave master or a noble man is very illegal as to commit treason.

            If you don't believe me we are still in slavery then believe the definition of slavery. The definition of slavery read =" 1. Bondage to a master or household;  2. a mode of production in which slaves constitute the principle work force;  3. the condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence;  4. a condition of subjection likened to that of a slave. 
            Yes we are still enslaved. We are 1. in bondage to a master or household; we are forced and taught through public schools and our government that we have to go around begging some one to let us in there house hold and be our master of our lively hood for our Life, Love, and Living so we can be the workforce with no other possible way to survive is clear slavery.
            We are taught by force that if you don't or can't get a job you are a dead beat totally brained washed that you have to be the work force for a slave master called employer for we are forced to work for an individual person or family to make a profit for the person or family is clear slave masters 2. a mode of production in which slaves constitute the principle work force.     
            If you don't know your past you are doomed to repeat it they took and hidden the true past of Blackcolour people so we will be doom to be enslaved.  3. We are subject and addicted to white people influence as our only mean of survival as well to crime or any way to make money that is not slavery. We are subject to get a job or go to jail for being homeless.  We are addicted to white authority and prestige of money, drugs, human trafficking, religion, hence government enslavement forcing us to have to work for a slaves masters as our employer of a business or corporation 4.  We are forced, defrauded, coerced, conspiracy bamboozled into a condition of subjection liked to that of a slave.  

           This is the truth of your truth of the purpose and construction of Capitalism and a Capitalistic government in the United States of America to make us all slaves.  If you don't believe me believe the definition of a slave which read = 1a.One owned and forced into service by another; 2a.  one bound in servitude to a person or house hold as an instrument of labor;   3a. one who is submissive or subject to a specified person or influence;  4a. one who condition is likened to that of slavery; 5a. a machine or component that is controlled by another machine or component; 6a. to work like a slave to drudge. 
            Now tell me 1a.-6a don't sound like you and how you are living your life you know 1a-6a is how this Capitalistic government got you living in slavery.  1a. We are owned and forced into service of by another by our village, town, city, state, and federal government and all the laws past to keep us from living free we are in the jurisdiction hence ownership of the village, town, city, state, and federal government who promote our slavery as the only mean for us to be able to live and have a life, love, and living.  2a. We are bound to know other way to make a living but to be forced into servitude to employers seeking profit and gain for them self.  3a. We are subject to the Public Schools influence as we are submissive to a capitalistic government made to enslave it's inhabitants.  4a We are forced to be the work force made to work for minimum wage or wages that are less then middle class and our work check is measure by the capitalistic government so over 3/4 of your checks is taken by rent or bills leaving us nothing to take care of yourself for yourself nor your children keeping us in poverty so we can't move or travel like we want and need is likened the conditions of slavery. 5a.  They have us believing in and working for them cause they print the money, make the rules and the laws, control the land and the seas, you tell me what is your credit score when your debt is a billion or trillion dollars in the whole yet your money is good enough to bail out and keep rich who they want when they want who are slave masters?, we are the human machine and component lied to and controlled by another human machine and component call a Capitalistic Government of the United States of America.  6a. While they bail out all there businesses and keep them all rich not to ever have to drudge a day in their life they tell all United States Of America citizen to drudge like a slave of go hungry and homeless likened as their slaves. 

            Slave master's in the United States of America with Bureaucrat's, Consortiums, Capitalism, and Constituents has always protected slavery with memos, meetings, and civil service codes replacing true government with the hidden forms of slavers or slobbers Dogma in our government and culture so we the common citizen will be brainwashed and never escape the flawed government and culture of slavery by capitalism  and build within a perfect government and culture with no slavery with out a capitalistic goverment.  They teach us Communism is wrong and flawed because it is a government with no slavery. If you don't believe me believe the definition of Communism which read = A system characterized by the absence of classes and by common ownership of the means of production and subsistence.; a political economic and social doctrine aiming at the establishment of such a classless society; social organization in which goods are held in common.  Know what so bad about that but if you don't have a society with classes then you don't have slavery. 

            Look face it our country is ruled by slave masters yes slavers or slobbers who work to keep this country common citizen who ain't middle class (200k a year is middle class) in the bondage of slavery so they lie or push the opinion made to allude from the truth so you can help them fight for slavery in this country under the name of capitalism a enslavement government with out even being aware of that is what you are doing.   
            Memo is just memorandum for short and memorandum is defined as = Informal note, a short note written as a reminder;  A written record of communication, as in a business office., Law a short written statement outlining the terms of an agreement, transaction, or contract; A business statement made by a consignor about a shipment of goods that may be returned. A brief unsigned diplomatic communication.  
            So you see by outlawing slavery for face they was able to keep slavery through memos, meetings, and civil service codes which is the hidden system of Dogma for slave master in government governing with slavery.  Yes with there hidden forms of Dogma they keep from building a perfect world with the perfect government that we have.  Slaver master enslave by the Dogma of Force, Fraud, Fear, Coercion, Conspiracy; keeping the majority or slave ignorant and brainwashed, taking the slaves culture and preventing the slave from building culture of the slave own, hiding the slave culture, history, and accomplishments, taking away the warrior class or freedom fighters or the people they wake up from the enslave.
             You see you don't need a lawyer in the court room if they made the court room and laws to be understood by the common language of the land they set hidden system of Dogma just to enslave and keep people stupid so they can do what they want even if is against the law.  Taxes is done the same way because they don't want the common slaves to get the free money, credits that they give you money you did not earn, grants and exemptions, etc so taxes is a must so they can take, and control and the tax laws are not written in the language or math for the common language of the land it is that hidden system of Dogma.  They say they will free the slaves but through memos, meetings and civil service codes they guarantee their Nobility which is also illegal as slave masters is illegal thus the lies of a deficit was planted as the final stage of Dogma to insure slaves would fight and understand a nation where men are not equal and the mass majority is enslaved with the lie we don't have the money.

             They got us out here in clear and obvious slavery to catch  as catch can and still by and by chase a Rainbow.  What is Dogma  it is = Tent or code of Tenets; Theology; a system of doctrines proclaimed true by religious sect;  A principle;  belief; or statement of idea or opinion especially one formally or authoritatively considered to be the absolute truth.  
            They know you will be stupid and say reasonable and reasonable with no rationale we as a country don't have the money to pay every citizen 2,500 a month but that is a lie we do have the money we print the money and are not in any deficit nor do the gold in the reserves mean anything. They placed that lie there to keep people enslaved.  Every country print there own money and is in the same deficit as the United States say they are and know country is going to give their gold they have to the United States so they don't have enough money to back their money or promissory notes.  

Proverb 18:17 "Any story sounds true until some one sets the record straight."  Well I am setting the record straight. We the citizens are the real capital of this country we the citizen is what make this country work not the gold or the money printed we build, create, and make life worth living.  
             Lost of sincerity is loss of vital power. The deficit and inflation and interest on dead credit is all a part of the hidden dogma of slavery.  The deficit is = The spending of money obtained by borrowing.  We don't borrow gold nor money from no country. Ain't NO COUNTRY GOING TO GIVE US THEIR GOLD SO THEIR MONEY WORTHLESS it is a mighty lie and trick of the slavers to keep us from wanting communism because they want to keep up slavery.  Communism suppose to be a utopia a paradise have any politician or the news ever told you that communism is a social society where there is no slavery and no class every one is equal. Everyone is care for.  Inflation is there to take away your raise or minimum wage meaning something to you a hidden form of dogma that is a lie to keep slavery alive and the people stupid.  Inflate mean = To cause increase unduly; success inflated his ego., economics to rise or expand abnormally, as prices, wages, or circulating currency.  Inflation is a lie and oppression and suppression by our government. It is to punish and hold back people who managed to make something of them selves anyway as a mass in cooperative economics.

Ecclesiastes 7:8 " Finishing is better then starting patience is better then pride."  Let finish building a perfect world with correct delegation of equality and make sure we all have abundantly with money but through science and agriculture to be true government and see everybody have a great life of life, love, and living. 

Please people contact your Legislator tell them to author and sponsor this citizen check bill be a peacemaker use your voice send your legislators and representatives to this website for more information so they see the bill and know how to author and sponsor it. Thank you It is about works with faith I am doing the works you should to by using your voice and calling you legislators and representatives of congress.