Monday, October 31, 2016

Milwaukee Wake Up, United States Citizens Wake Up Stop being Lead into Failure And Be Lead to Achievement

            Get with a hero and stop following Capitalism Zeros. Wake up they never solve the problem they make it look like they did while enslaving the citizen that much more with selfish ambitions of party interest while forsaking the interest of the United States Citizens.  Wake up Citizens!!! Wake Up Citizens!!! Wake UP!!! and Stand. If you want to run for office no matter what state or city your in and your heart and mind is pure and you can come to the truth and consent to wholesome words click the follow and follow this website and connect with me on my name is Varick Choice and please do connect with me if you want to create a perfect world and end the miserable conditions the slobber politicians are creating and the perpetuation in perpetuity in this country and around the world for it take more then good hearts and good minds to build a perfect world it take pure hearts and pure minds to get things done, not hearts and minds filled with slavery, religion, trafficking and one sided justice. Yes it take pure hearts and minds of the church people who are tired of the ugly vice of religion doing everything Jesus and God said not to do as the Slobber politician do everything our constitution and laws say not to do. And Please do go to the Business website for more information on building a perfect you and a perfect world through good business that website is

            Join Proficientaccost Political Alliance in the endeavor entreat to get all citizens and inhabitant to just stop all the lies, tricks, and traps of their parties, circles, gangs, crews, clicks, groups, and organizations to please refrain from their madness of selfish ambitions, creating division, refusing to consent to wholesome words, and come correct in righteousness and start doing what works as a Tribal Government letting go of the enslavement of Capitalism, and it's dogma.  Please Join Proficientaccost Political Alliance in it's first three campaigns to build a perfect society to back our perfect government. 

1. The first Campaign is to get Citizen Checks for all United States Citizens for a monthly payment of $2,500 dollars a month to each citizen. This will make the government do it's job it already suppose to be doing for every citizen in this country because if the government refuse to take care of the welfare of it's citizen then they are not our government and have no jurisdiction over the citizens or the inhabitants.  The whole purpose and constructions of government is to put a chicken in every pot and a roof over every ones head; for if they refuse to do so the citizen will take back the authority given to them as government by the citizens because the  government is refusing to use the power it citizens gave to it to be it's government.  Yes the United States of American has a perfect government but the slobber politicians you elected has placed enslavement dogma in our government policy for the purpose of fooling all the people all the time because you can not fool some of the people all of the time but you can fool all of the people all the time.  The practice of a enslavement government through capitalism is the reason our government hate any government that do not practice slavery. This is the Reason USA hate Communism because it is a classless society of liberty and equality and the government take care of all citizen needs home food shelter etc... as they hate socialism or any government that built a utopia or paradise. They are afraid that the United State Citizen will wake up.!

            Don't fall for $2,500. dollars being to much money that is the lie of the Slobbers or En-slavers you have been voting for.  We have to pay rent, mortgage, electric, gas, cable, satellite, satellite radio, internet, telephone land line, telephone cell or mobile phones, gas for your vehicles, car notes, furniture note, food, clothing, soaps, hygiene products, toilet paper, shoes, computers, and insurance we are forced to pay; then there the matter of children and fun to make life, love, living worth being alive. Then many have to deal with the tricks and traps of being a havenot and have to pay for parking sticker, ticket citations, over taxes of the Department of Motor Vehicles for Plates and renewal, emission test, water bill, and the basic up keep of self, car, home and washing day with cleaning bills.  It is not to much all listed is need not wants in this modern world we live in.
            We need this economical socialization not gun laws creating disparage, We need this economical socialization not tougher jail and prison sentencing, We need this economical socialization not minimum wage hikes, We need this economical socialization not alimony or childsupport, We need this economical socialization not more police in our neighborhoods whooping on us ticketing us taxing us, We need this economical socialization not foodshare or food stamps, We need this economical socialization and not there kind of insurance reforms, We need this economical socialization not soup kitchens, We need this economical reform not homeless shelters, WE yes the Citizens need this Economical Socialization not bail out for businesses. Put the money in the hand of the citizens and all wasteful government spending and to help citizen and business will end because the citizen have the money to keep the economy strong along with there communities. All crime will stop because the citizen has the money and there know more need to commit any crime. 

   We must stand up for our self and get the job done by our selves putting in the work with faith to build as the gods and goddesses of our world in  perfection. God works through us so we must put in the effort of work to get all things done together.
 We can not wait another 200 years for the slobber to change we must raise up as the leaders of government and do what they have refused to do sense George Washington was president and end all slavery of every kind to enjoy the bless of our constitution and the blessing of our life, love and living. It is through Delegations we must get things done and a Slobber and all those who believe in racism are unqualified to Delegate for the welfare and justice of all citizens.

2. The second campaign is to stop the enslavement of inflation and deflate to sustain the dollar price and pricing forever, to stop the enslavement of minimum wage hikes and to hold and sustain the minimum wage the same pay forever, to stop the enslavement of interest on debts owed, and to stop the enslavement lie that the United States has a deficit and the raising of interest on that deficit.  Remember the politics of the Slobber is a Slave Master yes a Human Trafficker. It is time to get rid of the Slobber that are Politicians in office and there enslaving politics. when we do the above and get it all done then people who work hard will get paid as they should and never again be the working poor. Family owned business will come back and they will work the business and profit as it should be and we will get better service because they are doing what they want living a dream.

 Just look at them no matter if they are Republican or Democrat they can not even trust each other. They fight with self seeking motives of ambitions they lie, cheat, and confuse wholesome word and words when they hear it spoken to the point they can't be honest about anything the other say do or did and no one know whats true any more. How can we allow them to be our only selection to vote in office to govern our well being. We can not be that stupid as a nation to keep voting slobbers into office as if they are going to take good care of our nations business and our welfare as citizen when we see they our only interested in their self and they do not have a clue to solving our nations problem but doing all the same things all over again that created the problem in the first place. 

We have to fire all them out of office who will not Author or Sponsor our Citizen Check Bill and all other Bill to solve the problems and get rid of the lies of inflation, deficit, minimum wage, and interest on debts all enslavement dogma to fool all the people all the time keeping us enslaved and fighting for that enslavement in ignorance being nieve. We can not leave one single slobber or slave master in office because it is just to dangers with them always fight against wholesome word and words to get things done with in the government to take care of the food, shelter, welfare of the citizen like the government suppose to do and how the government got it's power and authority to work for the people. We can not allow one Slobber or racist to stay in office they are secretly practicing slavery and much corruption and push policy to support the dogma of slavery thereof.  These slobber these slave masters are black and white yes they are black and white people betraying humanity from having it's heaven on earth, they are the Uncle Toms and the Uncle Tomettes working against humanity clouding your mind with there one sided justice of man made religion, human trafficking, and enslavement dogma as if it is in all righteousness when it is really all the necessary oppressing and suppression of humanity and your human God given rights keeping us from it's true greatness of living our lives crime free, no more pain or suffering, and living in this world as who we really are gods and goddesses. All problems are easily solved with the removal of enslavement, and religion because then truth can be heard and practiced that create mercy, grace, peace, truth and love.  The government is forcing people into crime because there will never be enough jobs or businesses relying on a capitalistic government who always lie to us and say they are going to get us some jobs for everyone, hence nobody is a deadbeat they are just a person with out of a job or do not have good one and poor people never budget they do with out so many things they need they snap and commit crime being tired not have a home, food, clothing shoes, etc.... 

3. The third campaign is to stop the enslavement of Capitalism in our perfect government, to insure citizens only can be force to work 4 hours work day 5 days a week, To remove all slobbers from office because they do not support the constitution and can not delegate fairly nor lawfully, To stop the force of the employer to be the citizen government and place the responsibility of insurance benefits back in the governments hands where it belongs, to delegate in science, and agriculture to insure our food is abundant and our water is clean, and our resources is forever overly in abundant. 
            You see it is not about the gold or money it is about use governing ourselves removing the slobber politician to ensure equality for those that work hard and work a lot make more as it should as those that make good business should enjoy the profit of business with out being enslaved to the government and citizen. The Machiavelli days are over it is not about the gold the money is and was printed because good run out and it would be impossible to sustain society broke. Hence people purpose and construction we have the money and resource to fix ever road in this country and to sustain it and make our world better for all citizens to make that happen we must remove religion human traffickers and slobber from our government and allow our government to build the perfect work it can with the house of the righteous in office and that house is Fluid Elapse Ability Proficientaccost Political Alliance.