Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights/ Social Contract

Laws are not our masters because we rule them when we obey them. We are the gods and goddesses of our world in the image of God we must live out our god status in the protection of Human Rights protecting and securing our liberty making sure all right, privileges, and immunities are granted.  We must return to Tribalism and put a end to Capitalism because it is that enslavement of humanity keeping us divide never to see our real glory working together to build better quality of life for all in LIVE LIFE LOVE and LIVING. Tribalism was and is an advance society where every body own and inherit the land everybody is guaranteed food, water, a home, spouse and the luxury thereof the tribe build for a better quality of living for all in it's Kingdom. 

God gave us a perfect government in Tribalism for there will never be a true cooperative economics with out church & tribe. With out Church and Tribe Cooperative Economics end up in the hands of the corrupted in their hearts and mind self seeking make us degenerate back to the way of Heathens, Bruts and Savages who keep lieing to us because they fight for lust, yes lust of sexual pleasure, lust of money, lust at selfish personal gain and can only achieve to satisfy their lust through the organization and system called capitalism.

 They lie saying they will stop crime, that they will stop racism yet they promote capitalism how can that be done when the system divides and deprive the citizen of there inherit Tribal right to be guaranteed food, a home, clothing, a spouse, a citizen check, and free electric, heat or utilities. With out the citizen being treated as the land owner of his and her own country every one will divide and fight over trying to have something.
 We must be a Tribal government all we have to do is get rid of the capitalism allow the government to take care of the citizen for a high quality of life love and living insuring the citizen to tribal right to live free in the land they are born and raised guaranteeing food, home, spouse, citizen check, and utilities. In the system of capitalism people really try to build good business but can not because the fight over territory and they end up building crime syndicates, gangs, and gangsterism. Again we print the money clearly how much we print is not the problem they are holding on to lies so capitalism stand and supported by the very citizen it enslaves and oppress. Wake Up! No body fight over gold, gold do not give money it's worth it is us citizen who honor the money that gives the money it's worth. End capitalism we can better delegate and keep ever road, park, water way, food supply etc in the abundance keeping work, and our currency flow abundant with out fail ending every problem by just printing the money and allowing the citizen to truly live in the pursuit to happiness. All crime would end because every one would have what they need; while a free market is kept open guaranteeing citizen the right to work on personal goal and gain with out stress while enjoying taking on employment with out force to obtain products and services that are not a need for all needs should be and shall be free Tribally.  Living free from the stress of capitalism enslavement's and worry of homelessness, have not the things you need; our society can then heal and be the gods and goddesses to each other God wanted us to be following the 10 commandments and the Golden Rules.