Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Our Politics is to Colonialize our hoods and Community to stop being subject to Foreign Colonialization

            Tribalism is our United State Government with out Capitalism. Tribalism has the Citizens as the Democracy the first branch of government; the Monarch the President the second branch of government; The Republic Congress, and Legislators the third branch of government; the Parliament the Federal Courts the fourth branch of government. 

            Criminal Intent is the conscious decision someone makes to deliberately engage in an unlawful or negligent act, or to harm someone else. Four example of criminal intent is "purpose, reckless, knowing, and negligent" all with the intent to do something wrong or forbidden by law. Intent refers to state of mind accompanying an act. What state of mind a person is in usually come from there up bring as a poverty thug or a wealthy thug; being racist or a bigot, human trafficked or the downtrodden make the criminal intent of rhyme and reason.

            Colonialism is the policy of a Nation seeking to extend or retain its authority over other people or territories. Generally with the aim of exploiting and developing them to the benefit of the colonizing country and helping the colonies modernize in terms defined by the colonizers especially in economics, religion and health.  It is time for us to up grade and free our selves. The Prophet Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said we must make our own Emancipation Proclamation for it is the only way we will be free from the Colonialism that has enslaved us in religion, economics and health. We must united tribally as the tribe of Blackcolour United States Americans and Colonizes ourselves to defeat this new coming of colonialism of us Blacks from the Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs, and Asian Indians. Yes we must be the up grade and build the home of the future, cars of the future and have our own schools and power plants as we be our own government by being a tribe through Fluid Elapse Ability Bureau of Blackcolour Affair with Fluid Elapse Ability Choice, Varick Generator's and Turbine's to build our own cities delegate our own economics, have our own church and be in charge of the drugs for our own health care we can afford.

We must have our own cops to be cogent with the eco system and stop allowing ourselves to be colonized by other races because we refuse to come together in cooperative economics. We can only come to together in cooperative economic by dropping capitalism and come back to Tribalism

having one church being our bodies, minds, soul, and spirits in our own political alliance, our own law enforcement, our own government, and our own health care. 

  Fluid Elapse Ability has all the departments to do just that and more, because spending money should be fun as for the quality of living and the welfare of the enjoyment of liv, life, love, live, living, alive building and sustaining our economical lore. We have to stop talking the talk and dwelling in faith and just do the works.

            Being Gifted and Talented has not and will never be your natural ability and being highly able above average. Being gifted is having the parents, family and community that help and support you to be rich and wealthy to have the ability to create your own markets and economic Lore. Being talented is being rich and wealthy. We will get the fund to build and maintain the cities we have now as Black people but we need to up grade and unite as Blacks, Negros, African American, Native American, Afro American, Mulatto, Half-Breed, and Colour; hence the Tribal name Blackcolour for we are everything and true Native Americans. We will do everything as our own government birth certificates and death certificates our own licensing and certificates as Fluid Elapse Ability is the Martial Art In Church we are still a College University educating ourselves to run and operate our own cities. We must get the citizen check bill past and the second bill of rights for our race and our country can finally operate as the gods and goddesses we are and was manifested to be.

I love you in the 72 names of God I love you with the 72 Names of God.