Thursday, March 17, 2016

Citizen Check Bill Proposal for 2,500 a Month by Fluid Elapse Ability/ Proficientaccost Political Alliance/ Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing Drafted by Varick Choice

                            Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing 

Drafted & Written by: Waziri Guru Varick Choice

Analysis Clause -  We are the United States of America the leader of the world the school house of the world who know laws are not our masters because we rule them when we obey them.
            God word is law and God commanded us to be the Gardener's and Craftsman's of this world as the god's and goddess's of this world Genesis 1:27-29 " So God created people in his own image; God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.  God blessed them and told them multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.  Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals."
            Our fixation in politic, our fixation in live, life, love, and living, our fixation in government is on social and economical stability to have a well behaved body, mind, soul, and spirit we need social and economical stability to obtain true purpose and construction of our constitution with in a united state of mind of civilization which is to be a Paradise or utopia as the United States of America. 
            We the citizen have the duty to delegate equilibrium as the first branch of government as the democracy to condition all acting influences being the Monarch who is our president and being the republic who is our legislator's, congress, house of Representatives, the senate, etc, to cancel derogative by bring about a stable balance in our social, mental and physical condition to ensure a beautiful unchanging system we call the United States of American Government.
            We can only achieve this by giving all citizen, citizen check for 2,500 dollars a month bring about stability in social, mental, and physical condition of all citizen to build the purpose and construction of the United States Of America to be a Paradise or Utopia as a civilization as true human accomplishment and obedience to God.


Principle Authors:

Bill Number:                     Delegation:

             The United States Of America
1.    An Act or bill to ensure citizen welfare and perfect economy by Citizen's Checks Monthly

2.  Whereas Our Government is Perfect within it's 3 basic departments with the (Monarch) President, (Republic) the Congress, the Legislator, the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the (Democracy) Citizens; Whereas we must protect the welfare and the sanity of our (Democracy) the Citizens of the United States Of America We the people ensure and maintain a perfect Government,provide for common defense, establish justice, promote the general welfare, secure our liberty, and insure domestic tranquility; Whereas the Citizen (Democracy) is the first branch of Government with the responsibility and task to elect the Congress, the Legislator, the Senate, the House of Representatives being the Republic, and the President being the Monarch.  Therefore we the people being the Democracy the Citizen welfare and sanity must be secured and maintained with monthly Citizen Checks for each citizen for the assurance of the maintaining of our perfect government in our United States of America.

3.  Be it Enacted by Resolution or Resolved by Fluid Elapse Ability Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing being Democracy the Citizen's of Congress, and the United States of America explain the Material Fact that the Citizen shall receive Citizen Checks from the Federal Government of the United States of America that the Citizens can not be expected to make clear reasonable and rational decisions partaking in our perfect government if their life is stressed, oppressed, and suppressed by poverty, or the thought of loosing everything and brought to poverty.  The Citizen must receive a citizen Check for $2,500 dollars each month starting at age 18.

4.  The Minor Fact's are Citizen Check will build a more perfect government and society by eliminating the crime thus wasteful government spending on jails and prisons and all it's programs within; it will eliminate food stamps or food share programs; it will eliminate social security disability programs, day care programs; rent assistance programs and vouchers, Hud, etc.  Citizens check will free employers from the slavery of becoming the citizens government eliminating the burden of insurance and benefits so the sole proprietor and small business can better turn a profit.  Citizen Checks will secure the economy, the citizen, the businesses, and the government by saving each from it's burdens.  The government will actually save money because it could eliminate so many programs by pulling the citizen out of poverty and being true government.

5. Section 1:  The Legislative Fact is there shall be no slavery thus business need to be relieved of the burden of slavery making them responsible as there employees government as child support, and alimony payments should be eliminated because it is involuntary slavery and slavery.  In Principle we must maintain a minim wage by stopping inflation, credit interest to make 10 dollars an hour mean what it did in the 1950s. Our money should hold the same value and worth forever to ensure a perfect economy for we make the legislation and it will be done.  The Simulated fact is that the money has it's value because of gold reserves and the truth is government only have worth or value because the citizen give that worth, authority, and power just as money has it's worth, authority and power because the citizen gives that worth, authority, and power.  

6.  Section 2: Investitve Fact are the history of this country is to build a perfect government and a perfect system to better the quality of life for all citizens.

7.  Section 3: Immaterial fact is interest on money that never inflate. The Judicial fact is in God we trust thus we delegate so we never inflate for the welfare of the country and citizen for we have all power to build a perfect world and society with out undue delay for it is commanded of us in the 10th amendment of the United States Constitution.

8.  Section 4: Jurisdictional Fact Our Permeable demands our rights and welfare, the bill of rights secures them because a true government take care of it's citizen and through the power of delegations we must secure our nation from civil war, crime, treason, piracy, which all arise when citizens are held and kept in deep poverty and over taxed.

9. Section 5: Legal Fact the government is to do more than make empty promises to the citizens and be Honorable, truthful, humane, at all times thus must solve the problem of an embarrassing crime rate, inflation, deficit, rebel rousing, over taxation etc through issuing citizen checks each month.  Predicate fact Our politicians have promised to solve these problems for over a century and the only way to solve the problem is through socialization by putting the money directly in the citizens hand.

10. Section 6: Be it Enacted by the public welfare requiring it to take effect immediately after it's adopted date and published.

Sponsors: Fluid Elapse Ability; Educational Advocates of Community Legislation Healing/ Proficientaccost Political Alliance/ The United States of America Citizen's



The Legislator:

The Congress:

Citizen Bill given to different member's of Congress to Author & Sponsor from Fluid Elapse Ability Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing.

         Proficientaccost Political Aliance

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