Friday, February 3, 2017

The Second Bill of Rights Proposal for the Economic Bill of Rights for Citizens

 Drafted & Written by: WaziRi GuRu Varick C. Choice
Analysis Clause:

             We are living in the new age of the 21st century the year current 2017 therefore we are long over due for the second Bill of Rights President Franklin D. Roosevelt said was needed out of necessity to maintain a free nation to secure the blessing of individual freedom in the United States of America said " We have come to a clear realization of the fact, however, that true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence" January 11,1944.  Therefore the second Bill of Rights are long Over Due to maintain a fair and stable economy at home and in our territories. 
            We need the second Bill of Rights because many of the Constitutional rights are still denied to many of the citizens through the system of Capitalism.  Many are still forced into slavery and involuntary servitude forced to be the work force with no other means to make a living for self.  It is a well proven fact that poverty, being poor, going hungry, not having shelter, not able to have utilities such as light, gas, telephone, water, drive citizens crazy in to temporary insanity if poverty does not last long and permanent insanity if poverty last long creating crimes such as murder, robbery, swindling, theft, illegal drug sells, human trafficking, bamboozling, white collar crime, burglary, insurance fraud, frauds, identity thefts, and many more crimes created by Capitalism. We must live up to our preamble that capitalism prevents us from living up to, too finally and actually in the United States history establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide our selves and our posterity the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity. The passing of this bill to estabish a second bill of rights as follow is a absolute must we are in an emergency state to solve every problem in the United States of America.


Principal Author:

Bill Number:                                                    Delegation:

             The United States Of America

1.          An Act or Bill To Ensure a Second Bill of Rights the final end of all slavery and involuntary servitude in the United States of America and it's Territories to finally be able to actually establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

            Whereas with the removal of capitalism and it's dogma such as inflation, interest on credit debt accounts, interest on loans past dead line date, National deficit, and with the passing of this Second Bill of Rights to better establish Our perfect Tribal Government we already have with the (Monarch) Executive Branch " The President/ Vice Courts,"; and the (Democracy) Tribal Branch "Citizens,"; the (Republic) Legislative Branch "Congress,"; the (Parliamentary) "Federal Courts" Our perfect government can better delegate for the governing of perfection in our society as a Nation for Citizens abundance of high quality life, love, and living.  

            Be it Enacted By Resolution or Resolved by Fluid Elapse Ability/Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing being Tribal Branch Democracy the Citizen's of Congress, and the United States of America that in Martial Fact that Capitalism has failed to establish justice,  
insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessing of liberty to our selves and our posterity; Further Capitalism has created a nation of insane citizens who become insane criminals who are stressed out, abuse, cheated, oppressed, swindled, exploited, and bamboozled trying to survive in life, love, and living. Further in material fact private Businesses, and Corporations will never be able to employee every citizen in the United States fairly in equality plus the forcing of Businesses and Corporations to be and act as the citizens government is clear obvious enslavement of Business and Corporation being a slave to United States Citizens as well as clear and obvious enslavement of Citizen to be a slave to Businesses, and Corporations creating Nobility and Lordship in the United States of America which is illegal and unconstitutional. Enslavement of any kind is illegal and unconstitutional in the United States of America.

            In Minor Fact the enslavement of our businesses to be responsible for the United States citizens livelihood has caused the majority of our business to leave the country and make the United States pricing unaffordable to more then 75% of the nations citizens. 

            The Second Bill of Rights is the Economic Rights of the Citizens & Businesses in the United States of America and shall read as follows.

Amendment XXXVIII (2017)

Section 1.  All Citizens of the united States of America and it's Territories shall receive a Citizen Check in the amount of $2,500.00 each month for as long as the citizen in alive. When the citizen die the check will no longer be issued on the count of death.  This will satisfy economic protection for food, shelter, unemployment, during sickness, accidents and for recreation. 

Section 2.  To  ensure there is no slavery and with the knowledge no person can escapes responsibility no Citizen can be forced to work over 4 hours a day nor can they be forced to work over 20 hours a week. 

Section 3.  For all persons legally in the United States of America and are not citizens with proper paper work and card the standard can not be forced to work over 8 hours a day shall stand and can not be forced to work over 40 hours a week shall stand.

Section 4.  If any person citizen or not, is not specifically hired to work Saturday or Sunday then they shall not and can not be forced to work Saturday or Sunday.

Section 5.  Capitalism is abolished along with Inflation, Interest on debt on credit reports and debts that have went past loan, and finance fulfillment date, and the National Deficit and the practice there of is hereby abolished. 

Section 6.  The United States Government be it County, City, State, or Federal is Allowed to have non-profit business for the benefit of the inhabitants. County, City, State, or Federal must not compete against one another. This is to secure high quality of fresh water in our lakes, rivers and other water ways, fresh food & the abundance of, sewage & the maintenance of, roads, bridges, high ways, a thriving park system, fresh drinking water and fabrics to insure low pricing on fabrics to our citizens and business. 

Section 7.  The Free Market will stay open to Citizens, Sole Proprietors, Entrepreneurs, and Corporations and with the abolishment of inflation any flux in pricing will be controlled by supply and demand responsibly on products and services of need and necessity for society benefit.

Section 8.  All citizens will receive a social security check when they reach the age of 60 along with their Citizen Check.

            Section 1: In Legislative Fact the 13 Amendment Section 1 of United States Constitution states " Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall exist within the United States, or any place subject t0 their jurisdiction"; Article 1 Section 2 of Wisconsin Constitution states " There shall be neither slavery, nor involuntary servitude in this State".  In Principle that individual freedom can not exist with out economic security and independence the United States Government is Obligated to maintain a fair and stable economy at Home and in our Territories. Necessitous men and women are not free men and women. Capitalism has proven inadequate to assure us equality in the pursuit of happiness and a Second Bill of Rights under a True basis for our Tribal Government with a free market of security and prosperity can be established for all regardless of Station, Race, or Creed.  In Simulated Fact People who are hungry and out of a job are the stuff of which dictatorships are made producing rebel rousing and citizens reaching for Anarchy.

            Section 2: In Investitive Fact or Collative Fact necessitous men and women who are poor living in poverty become insane with temporary and permanent insanity develops with natural Predatory aggression, Social aggression, Territorial aggression, intermale aggression, sex related aggression, irritable aggression which lead to uncivilized behaviors of gangs, murder, robbery, burglary, battery, identity theft, insurance fraud, frauds, false pretense, slander, racism, bigotry, discrimination, anarchy, riots, pogroms, slums, and skid rows making it impossible to insure domestic tranquility, establish justice, provide a common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty. 

            Section 3:  In Immaterial Fact the gold in the reserves do not give the United States Dollar it's worth it is the United States Citizen whom honor the money that is printed that gives the United States Dollar it's worth yes it is the United States Citizen whom is the capital.  We have Science and Technology to create a perfect world with our Tribal Government 2017 and beyond.  Through proper delegation we have the power to keep everything well preserved and maintenance.  In Judicial Fact Article 1 section 9(8) of the United States Constitution states " No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States: and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without consent of congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or Foreign state".

            Section 4:  In Jurisdictional Fact Article 1 Section 10(1) of the United States Constitution state no person shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letter of Marque and Reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make any thing but gold and silver coins a tender in payment of debts; Pass a Bill of Attainder, ex post Facto Law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts or grant any title of Nobility. 

            Section 5.  In Legal Fact government get it's power from the citizen to take care of the citizen, habitat, and habitation as a nation. In Predicate fact or Foundational Fact the United States is the crime capital of all the world this most stop.! What good is a government that works, plan, plot to divide the nation in racial bigotry division, and oppression,?;  What good is a goverment that refuse to take care of the citizens and it's over all state of mind,?; We all know the answer is a bad harsh government that is not a government if it divides it's citizens in division, and refuse to take care of it's citizens state of mind it is a tyranny of gang bangers and human traffickers, CRIMINALS.

            Section 6. Be it Enacted by the welfare requiring it to take effect immediately after it's adopted date as law.  Enactment Clause 30 days for emergency; 90 days and after is normal; a future date of ??/??/????.










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