Friday, March 5, 2010

Pentagon shooter; high, or driven crazy?

Is the world going crazy, or just the Pentagon shooter? Is the government really running a conspiracy? OK that ain't even a question like ain't is not a word! The government is always running some kind of conspiracy the question is whom against, why, and what for. People are always going crazy, and mad because of there logos and if they understand it, or not; If they have the knowledge to understand it, or not; If they know what to do with it, or not. It just comes down to belief. We live in a cw-rule world where conscience control belief, and it's that belief that drives us crazy. We are simple being, but try to be more complex then need be so our cw-rule society will cause a person to loose all cool and push to the unthinkable. For century's people have tried to get away from gods and how thing are done but can't do it no matter how much one may boast about doing so. The big bang theory is the same as the bibles creation yet they argue over who's right. who cares!!!? The only thing that matter is we are here not so guy ego who wants to be deemed smart. because that's what they do. They hurt us and it smarts to. Always for their own selfish reason of their own little group. You no when a person start to here voice they never heard before they will hide the truth from that person and deem that person as crazy, then claim to be trying to help the person by stopping the person from hearing the voices through deadly drugs yet hear voices them selves but is not deemed crazy or trying to stop hearing the voices. All heck! I sound like I'm talking about a conspiracy now. You no what they do to people that talk to much. Let see every one that speaks out for other through peace and love get murdered, and every one who speaks of hate and violence get praised. So I better talk like them real quick. Maybe he was just mad because they took his weed stash and drove way the hell over there to let them no about it.

This is certified true enlightenment by the Expoundrefomer Varick Camron Choice.

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