Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Knowledge: Dignity and Nobility of the woman

The dignity and nobility of wife hood, and mother hood ought to be held up before the woman of today as never before; because if this God given function of the women be ignored, or held in contempt, humanity will be called to pay a heavy penalty.

Home making is the greatest science in the world, but no science is more neglected, and unhappy homes; and divorces are the visible results.

Man is not her tyrant, and she is not his slave, but their spheres in life are different, and to that sphere each must be true.

It is for her to keep the deeper life- spring sweet, and free from bitterness. She wields a power as a wife and mother that ought to make her tremble, because she lays foundations on which life- structure are to rest, stand, or fall. What greater power is there? What more can a woman aspire to?

The home has it's sorrows, it's disappointments, it's tears, and it's heart aches; but after all that place is the only bit of heaven left on earth, and the women must carefully guard it, and let nothing take it out of her hands.

With out Godliness all other virtues would be but an artificial flower beautiful to the eye perhaps, but devoid of life.

She was not taken from the head of man, least she should rule over him; not from his feet least he should trample upon her; but she was taken from his side that she might be his equal; from under his arm that he might protect her; from near his heart that he might cherish, and love her!

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