Wednesday, October 27, 2010

President Obama a Kiss Ass & Embarrassment

President Obama has lost his mind supporting something that don't exist; is not a issue; is illegal, immoral and unethical. President Obama must not have been a good attorney and butt fu*ked his way to the top and we see how he neals because there is no such thing as gay rights. Every male and female enjoy all the constitutional rights as a nation. Gays do not need more rights then others for no person has the right to openly show sexuality in public. If any person show sexuality openly in public you can be arrest and put in jail. Saying you are gay is sexuality and no person should be hired nor elected because of sexuality nor should they get special favors. Adultery is illegal; homosexuality is illegal; fornication is illegal; shacking is illegal and etc...... Is President Obama that despaired for votes to support such behavior that is illegal for all to do but is going to ok it for gays? The law can not support such cause because it is illegal and unethical. The is a matter of having the proper decorum and demeanor when representing in public office. Gays have a psychosis thinking they are unfairly treated but I tell you there are more gays rich and wealthy then any one else. If you need a job you will be asking some gay for it so why do gays march and act like there lives are so bad. Believe me when I tell you it is biblical as it said in the bible. They eat up my people like bread! People who are not homosexual especially the males are the one discriminated, abused, harassed, and are not hired nor employed. Gays worm there way in everything in secret groups to keep male that are not gay poor and out of power and have done this for centuries. Leviticus 19:29 Do not defile your daughter by making her a prostitute, or the land will be filled with promiscuity and detestable wickedness. This is what homosexual do and the reason God said not to let them on the land because they will defile everything. Sodom and Gomorrah use to rape men passing through the town hence the term sodomize. Homosexuals are home and house wrecker male and female always tempting women to destroy their own house so the non homosexual male can not rule his house hold nor his home nor protect his children cause the women run around with homosexual in secret. They keep non homosexual out of everything and steal all the ideas of a non homosexual to make them self wanted because they have no issues, or moral then they keep the non homosexual poor so he can not do anything with his own ideas and to make him commit a crime or false-ly accuse him of a crime so he can be traped and raped in their homosexual prisons. Sound like Sodom and Gomorrah to me. The homosexual lower non homosexual number through gangs, war, and lynchings. It's time for non homosexual to stand up and fight because what Obama is doing is homosexual way of saying they have everything and is going flaunt it in everyone face cause they can do what they want because they have every ones woman and children.
This message if by the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice Thank you for reading.

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