Monday, November 1, 2010

We Hire you We can fire you thoughts in voting

Tomorrow is an important day to be heard. So let your voice ring out we hire you we can fire you and let them no it's time to stop selling us out and time to take care of issues to heal. Keep this in mind we have been sold out a long time ago. The only people living the American dreams if foreigner. You can see this everywhere you look who are getting the jobs or who's the actor or rapper etc.... The point is they keep Americans from having a business yet making it easy for foreigners to buy up everything. So we have more money going out of the country then coming in which is inflating us and getting prices raised making citizen worry or placing us on some kind of welfare. Remember this when you vote and this message come from the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice. We have to think of the future and what future we leave to our children.

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