Monday, November 29, 2010

Fear, Security, Panic, Alliance = WAR! & Insite to Chaos

Here we lay and there we stand as NATO makes a new pack and the thirst of war is fresh on the breath basically everywhere. The battle of cyber terrorism is coming to an brief end as new confidants take over and the computer crazy continues as well as the race for nuclear power and security has made it's way to the world and the race for space is in silents for the moment for the US has plans to build rods from God and countries are now getting there hands on nuclear capability that was kept from them for so many years but we no it can't be kept from them forever. Korea has made it clear that they will be a world power with nuclear capability and now the middle east is in a place of power as they are getting set to build nuclear plants yet some one put hits out on their top scientist like some Television move at full throttle with the action red hot and the energy leave you swelling in your sit. Some one used Motorcycles to attach magnetized bombs to two scientist cars in Tehran and Israel and the west get the blame right now. There was another attack in 2007 a scientist died of gas poisoning. They have had officers abducted and a worm called Stuxnet to make the plant go kooboom!!!!! The US have bought new programs trying to get the cyber terrorism under control yet have plan to cyber terrorize or to be the first to be able to knock out others satellites from space or more correctly put, to shoot down other's satellites in space from space. Panic is arises as the attempt to secure airports is the new malesstation or mole-station as we are being groped and grab, photo-ed in the nude and soon probed as it all will fail to stop any terrorism because we have gotten to the point in technology that this type of search will only back fire and make them build something undetectable and really start blowing stuff up more then once every 5 to 10 years but every day. The in site builds eventual chaos for it creates the panic and the panic creates alliance which create all out war. World War three will happen and the question is not when but at what cost!!!??? The only solution is love but with love come kindness and many take kindness for weakness creating hate thus there is a thin line between love and hate and if we don't get it in balance and keep it in balance well love and hate is power and like a nuclear plant out of control it spells kooboom!!!!!!!!!!!!! This message is from the ExpoundReformer Varick C Choice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bureaucracy, G20, and Catch22 forming the New Tri un God in Economics

Investor look out! Try to find safe investment for a sure return on your money to help with inflation over the years. A saying come to mind to start this message is "Bureaucrat burrowing mammal protected by memos, meetings and civil service codes". Right now they are trying to figure out what combination of economic power they will use as a new world wide stand for economic crisis. So how the book will be done and who get what will be the base of how your investment money will swing or down right get devoured. Remember they do thing so they stay rich, Give me a 20 billion dollar stimulus and I can give my self a 10 million dollar bonus off top plus make more money with it and employ a whole lot of people as any fool or stupid person could do given that kind of money including opening an insurance company. The foreclosure mess with talk of paper work is not to help anyone but to make it more difficult to get a loan on a home in the end (singling out other). This is a case what is done for good they turn to bad because Atlanta stated helping poor people get married and put them in homes which helped every one and built revenue, but some power always sabotage and like a child ain't gona say no to candy so will people just starting to learn about having a home ain't going to say no to money living out of their means. Thus the banks gave home improvement loan out in greed and in sabotages for 30 thousand a pop 2, and 3 time to the same home owner for the same home driving a 60 thousand dollar property to 160 thousand dollar property of which they knew they would never get the money back nor sell the property for 6 time what it's really worth. The system is filled with giving poor people a chance who will screw up the chance and refusing to give a chance to poor people who will not screw up to make the records say they are a bad risk you can put stereo type in this for what I am saying is true catch22. This is why we had the civil war cause that enslavement was holding us back as a Nation and allowing those fresh off the boat to gain which is the reason more money goes out the U.S then in cause they send it and send for family overseas leave generational American behind thus the over need of foreign help. Catch22 Example a person can't get a job without experience and can't get experience with out a job, now you know catch22 will send you on a impossible trip cause they will start that rotation again after no fault of your own you keep losing a job with the talk of " you are over qualified". So all investor especially those fit in a stereo type save and make safe investments to get you through this rolla coaster of life. This message is from the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice of Proficientaccost Political Alliance code name PAPA.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Economic blues or grays????????????

Now is the time to keep a watchful eye out because the seats have been taken until next term to who and what you will vote for. We are in a world wide state of economic recovery and the right balance is what is being focused on at this time. Lot of ideas and theory's but no one or country fully agree yet. This leave a lot of thinkers and individuals on pause because how are they going to handle the books is important to any investment at this time and the need for something to invest in is still the case as we look to improve the economy. Obama looking to invest in bonds will help while the nation and truthfully the world is on pause. The question is how are they going to hide the books, which is been first option for a long time now; how will they solve and improve the books with real action, we are in that movement now as it is time to do something more then bureaucracy which is based on a failing principle but seem to succeed through form of socialism programs that don't work nor really pacify. So this is good time but scary time because what the future really holds pass 2014 is unknown and can go so many ways as to make you dizzy. Law making will be a big factor as usual to the economy as to the have and have not and how the rich stay rich and over tax the poor starting with insurance laws etc... Thus I will be getting my self in place to make this political party a house hold name for the communities because it is time to take care of home and do real things in our communities to increase the value of living with out inflating when increase comes and that's what my politics is about and that is the new movement. Thank you for reading and this message is from the ExpoundReformer of Proficientaccost Political Alliance Varick Choice.

Monday, November 1, 2010

We Hire you We can fire you thoughts in voting

Tomorrow is an important day to be heard. So let your voice ring out we hire you we can fire you and let them no it's time to stop selling us out and time to take care of issues to heal. Keep this in mind we have been sold out a long time ago. The only people living the American dreams if foreigner. You can see this everywhere you look who are getting the jobs or who's the actor or rapper etc.... The point is they keep Americans from having a business yet making it easy for foreigners to buy up everything. So we have more money going out of the country then coming in which is inflating us and getting prices raised making citizen worry or placing us on some kind of welfare. Remember this when you vote and this message come from the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice. We have to think of the future and what future we leave to our children.