Friday, November 12, 2010

Economic blues or grays????????????

Now is the time to keep a watchful eye out because the seats have been taken until next term to who and what you will vote for. We are in a world wide state of economic recovery and the right balance is what is being focused on at this time. Lot of ideas and theory's but no one or country fully agree yet. This leave a lot of thinkers and individuals on pause because how are they going to handle the books is important to any investment at this time and the need for something to invest in is still the case as we look to improve the economy. Obama looking to invest in bonds will help while the nation and truthfully the world is on pause. The question is how are they going to hide the books, which is been first option for a long time now; how will they solve and improve the books with real action, we are in that movement now as it is time to do something more then bureaucracy which is based on a failing principle but seem to succeed through form of socialism programs that don't work nor really pacify. So this is good time but scary time because what the future really holds pass 2014 is unknown and can go so many ways as to make you dizzy. Law making will be a big factor as usual to the economy as to the have and have not and how the rich stay rich and over tax the poor starting with insurance laws etc... Thus I will be getting my self in place to make this political party a house hold name for the communities because it is time to take care of home and do real things in our communities to increase the value of living with out inflating when increase comes and that's what my politics is about and that is the new movement. Thank you for reading and this message is from the ExpoundReformer of Proficientaccost Political Alliance Varick Choice.

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