Wednesday, January 25, 2012

2012 State of the Union"The Blue Collar Hero", Barack Obama custed out the White Collar with out Cusing Becoming America's Over Due Hero

Barack Obama has been a good President and is becoming one of our all time great president's ever.

He has been and is a good face for America thrown in office after everything shut down left with the worst economy break down since the great depression along with self seeking Republicans with bad attitudes not falling short of talk of lack of support from his on party has shown and proved to be a Leader and over coming problem, and war at home and overseas.

Yes! Mr. Obama is can do as a absolute leader who has pulled this county together in crisis being very busy with federal and social issues at home and overseas engaging in tactics of hearing and listening to both friend and foe coming up with solutions at every turn no matter the derogatory criticism President Obama has shown he will make the decision best for this county no matter what the bad politics are of the white collar business or politician.

That is what a real leader has to do and at the 2012 State of the Union Address he said and will create policies the blue collar has been waiting for a President to say seen or before 1920(s). President Obama said he wants to save America and the only way he can do that is by saving the middle class, and the working poor by giving tax break to any company that will bring jobs back to America. That those tax break will go to any company keeping jobs and employment with Americans and in the United States of America.

He went on to say cogently brave as a true hero and leader that the day of getting tax breaks for robing American's of jobs and employment by taking jobs and employment out of this county is over. Which I think is and was spoken like a real American.

The plan will work it will free up companies to pay American wages with out being hurt themselves and with more people employed more revenue will be created for all creating the cycle of circulation desired and needed on all ends.

He said he want to take care of our children and stop beating up on them by stopping dubbing up on their students loans and tuition, stopping tuition from going up and freeing up our children the benefit of enjoying a career without over done long term loan bills.

He went Spike Lee; to do the right thing and Big Mike saying I ain't never scared to create policy with Afghanistan on a better relationship so we don't have recurring problems. No one can ever say they agree with everything some one or President say but at this 2012 State of the Union he left no room for debate you can only argue meaning you have no point just as his leadership have been so overwhelming, That the republican party campaign proves Obama has left no room for debate as the Republican party can only argue and criticise with out reason nor rational thought making a mockery of there on party and the nation for we put such self seeking babies in office.

I had faith President Obama would do good and even more important do great his second term. Thank you Mr. Obama and that comes from me and all blue collar worker that love America and buy American to keep job and employment in this country we appreciate you for recognising that the blue collar matter and has a major part of making this country tick.

This post is certified true enlightenment by the ExpoundReformer Varick C Choice.

"Tyranny is no match for Liberty".

(President Barack Obama)

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