Wednesday, January 18, 2012

One to Learn from One to Quote from Dr. Martin Luther king Jr./ Words that Impact Deeply for Meditation

His words was more then a dream but reality that carried a nation by nourishing it's very soul, mind and spirit.

Doctor King was more then a civil rights leader he was a warrior, a father who's weapons was true doctrine, legal hence legitimate justice, and morals with ethical values that is pure filled with love, and grace. He is a Hero who name is in every state on at lest one street, community center and a just holiday.

Yes A just holiday which should celebrate the freedom of guilt, shame, contempt, humiliation, inhumane abuse and unnecessary hate. This Holiday is a celebration of maturity of a nation and its inhabitants thus we should build more tradition to celebrate this holiday with family and friends and make a big of deal out of it as Christmas or thanks giving and celebrate it as the day America became humane.

What is living life if life experience yield know growth? There is nothing more important then life experience and the growth that comes from it. Therefore let us not celebrate folly as is forbidden in all nations and languages but let us celebrate life free and willing to give loving in it's embrace for we are a nation mature and experienced.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. " Science investigates religion interprets. Science give man knowledge which is power religion gives man wisdom which is control".

All power must have some control or it will become as dangerous and reckless as fire consuming everything in site with greed, lust, and ornery nature leaving nothing for tomorrow nothing in site because it can.

Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. " Limitation of riots, moral question aside, is that they cannot win and their participants know it. Hence rioting is not revolutionary but reactionary because it invites defeat. It involves an emotional catharsis, but it must be followed by a sense of futility".

We Empower our self with justice as the law of the land calling justice the Bill OF Rights in our constitution freeing our selves from ignorance because laws are not master and if we obey them we rule them.

We must obey and respect sound doctrine with out know force of one sided justice misinterpreted to deny life, liberty,rights, privilege and immunities.

We must represent this holiday to the fullest and show our appreciation for a man who fathered a nation creating true healing and a better future for all.

Life is wonderful full of many mystery's but love and true brother hood as a nation should be know mystery to know man, woman nor child.

Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. "The Quality not the longevity of one's life is what is important".

We must live quality lives as a nation and move to improve or resources for a more abundant future.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. " We have to repent in this generation not merely for the vitriolic words and action of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people".

We have to be careful and make sure history don't repeat it self speaking with integrity with grace showing true grace of an advanced society as a republic ( congress & legislator), a monarchy (President), democracy( citizens & inhabitants), and an imperialistic nation ( The United States of America and it's influence around the world in many nations) for to lead is to serve.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr." He who has Love has the key that unlocks the door to the meaning of ultimate reality".

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