Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fluid Elapse Ability Leadership in Cogent Perfomance with Humanity

          Fluid Elapse Ability want to move you, the citizens of humanity to come be a member of Fluid Elapse Ability, and help build a perfect society which is in our power and reach as the democracy as citizens of the United States of America which is the School house of the world. We are here to take care of one another needs and be civil which is well in our reach to do.
          Proficientaccost Political Alliance is just one of the many department in Fluid Elapse Ability to help build a perfect society. Proficientaccost Political Alliance is not a political party but a political alliance with humanity to solve all the problems in society that the current power, authorities, and rulers will not cure nor make a real attempt to solve.
          We are not battling with entities of flesh and blood, we are not battling against humanity,; but we are battling and fighting against corrupt power, authorities, and rulers of oppression and suppression of the members of humanity.

          We are made in the image of God's as gods ad goddesses and we need to stand up to that responsibility that was placed on us by God as the gardeners and craftsmen of this Planet Earth and garden and craft a perfect society.
          You must face the fact that we are the gods and goddesses of this planet and start acting like it and be the peace makers and pace setters as the house of the righteous as a democracy as a whole freeing your minds from out dated religion that teach you to be in the wrong kind of humble and meekness enslaving your self and your humanity.

          Leadership defined by the ExpoundReformer Waziri Guru Varick Choice is to guide on a way; to direct the activity; to tend to a definite result; to show a way to, conduct, escort, precursor, herald; to serve as a route for, important, success, repute, influence, prestige, authority, harbinger, and precedence. Note Worthy; quality; excellence.

          We are the leaders of this world and planet and it is time for the righteous to stand up and rule the earth and stop stagnating in the wrong humble and meekness.  Therefore I am looking for good people to build a lobby team, a consortium and a strong constituency ( people who want to run for office or are in office) in Milwaukee, WI and around the world to be the voice of a righteous humanity as true leaders as defined above as leadership. We are fresh, new, and unspoiled.

          The first major campaign we will start is to get every one $2,500 a month citizens checks to solve the problems with our economic economy and crime in the United States.
Contact me at .

We have to stop being fooled that the money we print has precedence because of how much gold we have in the reserves. The money only mean something because we the citizens of humanity honor the money to some real value thus "In God We Trust Has Won" because that was the true design of the promissory note to end all wars and to allow God to prevail in mercy, grace, peace, truth, and love.
People are making a great mistake to make us inflate more and creating more problems then they will ever solve trying to get employees more pay that is unreasonable from their employers and better benefits. This is bad leadership! We need to deflate and make $10 an hour mean something again.  The employer is not responsible for the welfare of the people or citizen the government is the one responsible for the citizens welfare so it is wrong to over burden employers with the duties of government. We have to have a capitalistic county and make it work by doing away with a capitalistic government because business can never employ nor take care of the welfare of all the inhabitants in a nation but a government can and businesses have no business governing the people. Hence any government who do not take care of the needs and welfare of it's citizens is not a true government.
We have a lot of work to do but thank God for duration because we have the time and power to get it done.


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