Friday, January 22, 2016

Fluid Elapse Ability Social Contract for a humane humanity by Choice, Varick

      A true social contract is more of a model than a theory addressing our purpose and construction of origin of the United States of America with the purpose of creating a united state of mind as a United States Citizen. 

               We must except the fact that the bible and many other writings are out of date with today life, love, and living.  We must except the fact that we have gotten better then yesterday and we must continue forward as gods and goddesses of this planet the way God intended us to be hence the ten commandments that never goes out of date because God knows what he is doing in teaching us to create civil lives in civilization for God builds us to be perfect.

               We are almost there, yes one step away from building a perfect world like God wanted us to whom always helped us, taught us to protect humanity which is the temple of God.  Yes we are the temple of God manifested in body, mind, soul, and spirit which make up ourselves as human.  We must get rid of rebel rouser whom teach us falsehood to make their personal gain pushing their false issues targeting us as consumer cyclical for their own selfish profit while there craftsmanship is base on lies and sabotage to gain our trust in the untrusted citizens because they build and promote everything to fail as systemic obsolescence, program obsolescence, and style obsolescence.  These rebel rouser are the religious, religion, advocates of gay rights, supremacy no matter the color or ethnic group, public office criminals and corruption and friend's operating in a as a renaissance.

Know more arguing over words!!!,  We must consent to wholesome words as the democracy hiring and firing the republic and the monarchy we must hold to our responsibility as the first branch of government as the citizen making up the democracy.  We all know bad and good; right and left; true and false; perfect and wrong; just and fair; weak and strong; love and hate; Power and destruction; but we have been eluded to what is sin thus we can not speak of it's opposite, we have been eluded to what is evil thus we can not  speak of it's opposite.  We must protect humanity from the bamboozlers that demoralize our humanity as gods and goddesses of this planet for personal gain and recognize them as humanity enslavement of the mind, body, soul, and spirit.

               Power expressed is position of authority, the ability to act, physical might, force of energy used to do work, the ability or capacity to act or perform effectively, strength or force exerted or capable of being exerted, might, to exercise control, authority, cogent, influence.
                A nation is only a bunch of united families which is power!  Power and destruction has different names for a reason and it is because power is power and destruction is destruction.  True power is us behaving as the gods and goddesses of our world God gave us to be the gardener's and craftsman's to care for ourselves and build our world as heaven for humanity.  Humans are and is divinely chosen to bring good into the world and no one escapes responsibility.

               We have matured so much over the years or centuries and made it to see 2016 that we have and had to get rid of old ways that did not suit today's life, love, and living.  Social Contracts back in the past may not of been known to all individuals of society and like the past nobody really have an option to partake or obey.  We, being civil know the basic laws, and legislation of the land so we do have knowledge of the jest of our social contract to our humanity today.  Therefore as an established nation social contracts exist through our laws of the land and as civil society they speak to us in are hearts and minds as a righteous Nation that thrive on being humane.  The day's of Niccolo Machiavelli,John Locke, Jean Jacques Rousseau, and David Hume is outdated!

               We print the money thus no ones fights over gold and gems any more to build their nation and we can not allow other countries nor nations that print their own money to take over our nation by sales, sells, or selling us out by the very republic we hire.  This is the new social contract we need to address to keep our nation for our posterity with them being in charge of it responsibly.  We need to engage our present and improve on it; we need to image a new future and forge it to be a perfect society by addressing the real issues that create the problems and supply the answers with action.  This is the Mutual Defense of Rights for United States Citizen.  Again the new Mutual Defense of Rights for the United States is to protect our land, and businesses from being sold out to other countries of foreigners influence and to make sure our posterity run, maintain, and rule this country as natural citizens.  Remember when we made money it was because we had ran out of gold and gems thus the only reason the money means something is because the citizen say and think the money means something so it is due to the citizen money has it's worth and not to the due of gem and gold.  America is the school house of the world we have to build and heal natural resources and rule the world by our imperialism and feed the world by building the perfect humanity and we are so close to having it now.  Remember gold and gems only have worth if the citizen honor gold and gems as worth other wise they are just rocks and stones and crystals with no value.  Thus the saying " coming up from nothing" should waken your mind if you can keep up and comprehend what I am saying., Hence this is Power...!!!

Humanity Power:

               We are God's children and we are made in God's image.  God favored us over all creation and gave us the earth to have dominion over it and subdue it.  God taught us and cared for us and taught us to care for each other for humane power making sure we be OK teaching us not to eat pork because at that time you would poison your temple with what poison the pig, so our punishment was to toil the land so we eat what we planted so we would not eat the wrong thing again; to freeing all out of slavery, and fighting for the poor to teaching us how to be men, and not animals; to teaching us to be gods and goddesses of this planet by teaching us to create civilization starting with the ten commandments.

          We have the power to build a perfect world where no human has to suffer or need; we have the power to be a perfect government and care for all our welfare and needs; We have the power of ability to build, maintain, repair, fix, heal, mend, delegate, regenerate, share, respect, and be polite.  Our power fall just short of being God.  Therefore lets build a perfect world and get it done and stop all wars and unnecessary on earth and in heaven.  That is all humanity power...!!!
Political Power: 

We should only hire those with honor for us and our humanity rights to have shelter, food, safety, citizen checks, and honorable delegation, who give and show respect for the common good, and who is honest to the letter of the law and the common good;  Address the critical issues of our time ethically, effectively, diligently and proficiently.  With all goals designed to build a perfect humanity, humane, sane, focused, entertained, and elated for a better life, love, and living. This is Political Power...!!!

Regional Power:

 It is a must to respect all power and show power building and maintaining with the 7 principles which is 1) Unity 2) Self Determination 3) Collective Work 4) Cooperative Economics 5) Purpose 6) Creativity 7) Faith .   In this way we will be on one accord with the habitat and inhabitants being responsible as well as cogent with the Eco system as regional power acting independent yet standing together as a Nation caring for the Nation's perfect life, love, and living.  This is Regional Power...!!!

State of Mind:

We as citizen of humanity and the United State of America should keep and maintain a united state of mind to enrich our lives welfare, citizen, protection, insurance, socialization, great shelter, food, education, establish justice, establish perfect health, pure heaven born love through monogamy, and secure the blessing's and gift's of our rights, privileges and immunities.  True freedom is when no one has to tell you what to do and you can love and trust every one in your habitat, Nation or Country hence you are free and dumb because no one has to tell or inform you what to do to be kept in control.  Some people have a hearing to the supernatural, and some people do not have a hearing to the supernatural,  and some people gain a hearing to the supernatural.  People who do not have a hearing to the supernatural have true freedom because they are free to use their own mind while following the dictation from their own hearts and minds and can't hear the commands and orders of the supernatural.  This is the reason God commanded us to ( Leviticus 19:14) " Show your fear of God by treating the deaf with respect and by not taking advantage of the blind.  I am the Lord".  Always keep mercy, grace, peace, truth, and love in our hearts and minds is the keys to gaining wisdom and good judgment for wisdom is only obtained by Living a long time in life, love, and living. and good judgment is obtained by Learning a long time in life, love, and living.  This is how to keep a united state of mind through truth and love, with life, love, and living.

State of Nature:
           We must be one nation under God therefore we must keep truth and love with our fellowship and fellowetteship as citizens because God the Father and God the Son live in truth and love.  ( Proverbs 31:8) " Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing.  Yes speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice. "  We must be responsible for our freedom of speech and respect the rights of others especially the rights of childhood Innocents.  (Leviticus 19:16) " Do not spread slanderous gossip among your people.  Do not try to get ahead at the cost of your neighbor's life, for I am the Lord. "  If we turn our back on the wrongs being done to other it won't be long before the same wrong is done to us, hence you can't fool some of the people all the time but you can fool all the people all the time so we must insure justice and good grace for all.  We must always follow the golden rules so it go's well with us and we may have long life on the earth so do for others what you would like them to do for you; this is the summary taught in the laws and by the prophets, and by the philosophers.  We all are responsible for each others children ensuring they are wellcared for as a nation and as brothers and sisters of humanity because you can not have a perfect society if only your children is care for.  It take caring for all to have a perfect society.  This is a proper State of Nature...!!!

State of State:

We must preserve, heal, mend, and grow our natural resources keeping, maintaining and growing our parks, waterways, forest, fish, indigenous plants, food sources, roads, sidewalks, nature trails etc...  We must keep everything clean and beautiful our homes, village, town, city, state, nation, etc...  We must raise our posterity in Innocent's better building their body, mind, soul, and spirit for the key to perfect behavior in humanity is through socialization of a clean and beautiful culture with life, love, and living education.  We are only a product of our environment so lets build clean and beautiful.  We print the money so trade and commerce should be done to care for humanity and not for profit, the money is to create perfect life, love and living that will stop waste of our foods and natural resources thus proper delegation for the proper spend, spend, spend to promote a health economy with little waste because it is about every one's enjoyment and not about an individuals profit.  We as humanity living together is what makes life worth life, worth love, worth living, worth being alive, under culture, entertainment, government, and God.  This is the State of State...!!!

 Common Wealth:

We as Individuals are the common wealth; We as a family are the common wealth; Every one's children is the common Wealth; We as a bunch of united families are the common Wealth.  Our lands, territories, and countries is the common wealth; Our oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and other,water ways is the common wealth.  Our government, public officers is the common wealth.  Our ecology system is the common wealth; Our military is our common wealth.  Our businesses are the common Wealth.

Marcus Garvey " Wealth is strength, wealth is power, wealth is justice, wealth is liberty, wealth is real human rights, privileges and immunities."  Our differences and ethnic groups are the common wealth, and it's what makes life enriching and enlightening globally.  This is the common Wealth...!!!


Our conquest shall be in building a perfect world with a perfect civilization creating a perfect humane humanity among Nations and ethnic groups of the human race.  If everyday is a good day that is how life, love, and living should be along with some great days for all humanity.  No body need a bad day to appreciate a good day.  we have to get our house perfect before we can talk of getting someones else house perfect so we will be just conquerors, and conquerorettes in that we live in the United States and we are the first branch of government as the democracy who fires and hires our public office's. Therefore as the school house of the world we are still the first branch of government globally, we should not need to be in actual warfare to achieve justice and perfection.  We have to stop crime with citizen checks satisfying every one's need.  ( Matthew 12:25) Jesus knowing their thoughts and replied," Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed. A city or home divided against itself is doomed."  Crime, and corruption, and racism divides us and produces much wickedness, chaos with to much unnecessary, hence truth and love, grace, mercy, and peace is the only way to win a conquest of life, love, and living and be upright.  ( Proverb 3:33) " The curse of the Lord is on the house of the wicked, but his blessing is on the home of the upright." This is true Conquest...!!!


Marriage is between a man and a woman.  The same sex can not get married even thou there is nothing stopping them from walking down the isle in wedlock as life partners.  If a girl has more then one father from her mother remarrying or shacking then both fathers should walk her down the isle and give her away and say I do when the question is asked who is giving her away, both should answer I do at the same time or one after the other.  Marriage is God's first institution and having children is proof of the 2 becoming one, therefore in common law if you are living together for 7 years you are married because in truth the walk down the isle is just a ceremony and not the actual marriage.  Only the opposite sex can conceive and have babies thus only a male and a female union can get married and become one which completes the sacraments and rites of holy matrimony and the child is the proof of the 2 becoming one as the child is part of the mother and the father.  The same sex can not become one and lack the "holy" aspect because the importance of marriage is becoming one which build family which family is God first institution for pure heaven born love and the same sex can not have children thus can not build family.  Marriage is about the divine union of two bodies coming together to produce one body hence the importance of consummating the marriage and with out child conception you only have wedlock no matter if it is marriage with male and female hence female embarrassment when she can not conceive a child because she is only in wedlock not marriage thus can not make a family of her own.  It is the divine entities that make child conception possible that make the sacrament and rites of marriage the same sex can not partake in.  This is what Marriage really is... !!!


               If we base our society just on money or currency it will lead back to feeding corrupted hearts and minds that is inhumane, therefore we must build and maintain a warrior class, a business class, a humane class, a agriculture class, a common class to obtain perfection and maintain a perfect society.  We must build true church to build true government to build and maintain good welfare.  Church is not religion; Church is body, mind, soul, and spirit.  Religion is an ugly vice of one sided justice that is man made and not of God as Jesus explained to us in the bible; religion enslaves, demoralizes our humanity and lie to us how God is displeased with us when God is displeased with them religious who make it impossible to be human, and yet love by God; religion is that lie that keep us apart and keeps us from finding our oneness with God and our humanity as the gods and goddesses of this world and our oneness with the society we control and build as we are the first branch of government as the democracy and body, mind, soul and spirit being the church, therefore never confuse Church with religion.  There is no separating of church and state thus the proper updated translation for the definition of religion and church from the ExpoundReformer Varick Camron Choice is Church is being Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit and Religion is man made laws and rules that force one sided just for the use of slavery, trickery, creating division, and ignorance.  Therefore our forefathers was correct to separate church from state because church at that time was thought to be religion at that time so what the forefather is telling us today is separation of religion and state.  Welfare is caring for Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit by gathering the things is needed to grow such as food, water, shelter, love, life, and living, etc...,  We must work with faith because God will nourish us with what we can not nourish ourselves with such as air, water, food, soul, spirit, etc.  The Martial Arts is ours as humanity's the church is God's hence the saying " martial art in church"; Fluid Elapse Ability is the Martial Art in Church meaning We are in Church with The Quadruple God being God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God of which the 4 Gods make up the one God in the saying God being the temple of humans being Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit; Thus Church is a 24 hour a day person, place and thing; thing including being the divine presents of God in our live, life, love, and living hence one nation under God.  In the bible God said " let us make man" so God has help which is the Quadruple God of which Quadruple means 4 times as great or as many/ multiplied by 4; fourfold.  This is what Welfare is.


               Every one has to brake bread in business no one has it that they don't need another business to keep their business going.  ( example you need boxes, employment, employees, employers, plastic, metal, bubble rap, food, shipping, wood, etc to make your business go you have to get something from some body.)  Business will be practice with cooperative economics with each other so as a family, as a nation, as a church, as a political alliance, as a educational advocate we will practice cooperative economics keeping a flow of spend, spend, spend, in our neighborhoods and communities life, love, and living for a perfect world in a perfect society.

The Sphere is 1) Chronological Presentation 2) Development of Concepts 3) Motivation Approach 4) Presentation of all factors 5) Mirror the strongest influences.

The Scope is 1) The aims of political and national power 2) The ideas which were believed to provide the true foundation of that power 3) The methods adopted by the state for the promotion and regulation of commerce, industry, Internet, Arts and entertainment, and agriculture.


               To go back to tradition is the first step forward there for we will train our children 1-12 with a craft and a trade for every 4 years they are in school.  You are a scholar when you graduate from high school but it does not prepare children for cooperative economics to make money in society.  The fact is you can not make money off a highschool degree but you can make money of crafts and trades.  College is good for crafts and trades for the highly determined person to develop white collar trades in science, medicine, technology etc.., but it don't teach your reading, writing and mathematics, 1-12 do all that thus making you a scholar and scholars will go broke if they can't get employment because they lack training for they are educated.  Children are forced to go to school for 12 years and when they graduate are able to be trained by the employer to work any job or career and should be allowed with out college because they are scholars they know everything such as charts and graphs, fractions, and percentage, mathematics, reading, writing, etc.., how ever that is not the practice here in the U.S. our children is trapped to go to college for the hope that maybe they might find a well paying job or employer.  College is for alumna and alumnus and learning careers that need advances training and education 1-12 schooling do not give.  We want to set our children up for success in this world and in our society not for failure therefore we build a just system of business for our children to always be able to get ahead and maintain a good and decent life, love, and living.  As the melting pot we must have socialization classes to be able to protect, and interact with all ethnic groups, cults, cultures, religion, gangs, and social networks here in the United States of America.  Education is useless with out socialization skills like how to make and be a friend, how to court and date, what our laws mean and what they are about, why and how to follow rules, regulation, how to have sex and what it is about, how to build up your body, mind, soul, and spirit, etc..  We must prep our children how to live love life and living to make an effective perfect world with a perfect civilization.  This is what schooling is about...!!!


               We have to in house everything and build up our United States citizen to properly build and run this country.  We have to put a stop to immigration until we get strong on the inside, in housing everything and build up our own citizen.  We do not need to keep giving million of jobs, property, business, homes, to immigrants and taking on their problems when we have not addressed the problems in the United States yet.  The immigrants here now are good enough and numerous enough and should be allow to stay but we don't need to keep letting more in the doors should be closed for about 20 years and do a check to see if we should allow the door to reopen for we have posterity that need to inherent this land and country as well as allowing the new citizen posterity to increase as U.S. citizen so we stay one country and one nation and one state of mind as the democracy that hire and fire the republic and the monarchy.  After 20 years with the doors closed we can open the doors for 20 years and then close the doors again for 20 years and maintain the 20 year pattern with checks and check points if change is needed.  If we don't close our borders we will end up in chaos like Europe and have many counties inside the United States that will keep us separate incapable of being on country with a united state of mind.  We have to allow the immigrants here already a chance to blend in with the rest of us U.S citizens and not keep bring more in building other countries and other state of mind inside the U.S. creating many countries, creating many nations with in , creating many states of minds; the immigrants don't think of themselves as U.S. citizens but they think themselves citizen of the countries they come from holding loyalties to another foreign land and country and that fact will not ever change always allowing immigrants in fresh each year that will affirm the loyalties of the old immigrant now citizen to there old countries.  With terrorism and all other madness we know this will soon be a problem.  We must close the doors and allow our posterity to live and build perfect love, life, and living.  We can always employ our citizens here to go over seas to help build and create a united state of mind world wide which is the better solution then keeping the doors open so when we do reopen the doors again we know what we are getting inside this country better mind state for a true United State's of mind.  We must face the fact that we are not a new country any more and have to stop over populating our country taking the resources and space our posterity will need giving it to immigrants who will always be loyal to another land.  This is just common sense with immigration and live life love and living...!!!

It's time to start a new day into perfection in self, & society living live life clean and beautiful with in mercy, grace, peace, truth, and love.

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