Saturday, February 27, 2016

Prayers in the Air L.O.A. How We Fluid Elapse Ability Members Address God in Supplicated Appreciation by Waziri Guru Varick Choice

                             The Martial Art In Church

Effective Prayer
With the Laws of Attraction

               In the name of God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God and God the Holy Spirit God

Bless be my name
I seek protection your source of all knowing mercy to build and keep me almighty in perfect strength and perfect facility
Forgive my sin, forgive my bad behavior, correct my wrong, correct my wrongs, correct errors done to me, and errors trying to be done to me past, present and future
Make, heal, mead, build me to be a perfect human inside and without, and within my body, mind, soul and spirit
Allow all praises due in time and at the best time and place for my success and well being
Provide me with all sustenance I need in life, love, and living and if I die provide me with sustenance for me in death or in my new life to come so I can always have what I need and be happy and comfortable with love and joy in my heart, mind, body, soul, spirit
Guide those with hearing to the supernatural friend or divine to help me build a beautiful kingdom on earth, between heaven and earth, and in heaven and keep them from corrupting the minds and action of those with freedom and those who do not have a hearing to the supernatural friend or divine
Help me build Fluid Elapse Ability and be rich and wealth with monies, money, dividends, points, royalties, great credit, assets & intellectual property, employment, employees, employer, Land & Nation, wife ( If you are a girl Husband), Children etc
Keep me pure in heart and mind so I can be a great roll model and inspire a great civilization world wide in Fluid Elapse Ability and a Perfect Humanity
Rid my life and life style from those who suppress and oppress me keep me prosperous always now and forever more. In my name I'm Asking in Supplicated Appreciation.

               In the name of God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, and God the Holy Spirit God

Exuberant be within the blessings of your name Great Cherisher and sustainer of my life, love, and living
Enrich our members of Fluid Elapse Ability with perfect works with faith building, maintaining a perfect civilization and nation with the use of the 7 principles of Kwanzaa Beginning and Ending the new year and seasons prepared with the 4 laws of Fluid Elapse Ability Bestow gifts and blessings to Fluid Elapse Ability Warrior Code to be victorious and prosperous for us and our posterity always, now, and forevermore. In my name I'm Asking in Supplicant Appreciation.

               In the name of God the Creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God, God the Holy Spirit God 

Exuberance be within the blessings and gifts of your name Great Craftsman and Gardener of our world, our earth, our Universe, our love, life and living
In your image we are made and cultivated with gifts and blessings of individuality Allow the practice in praxis of Fluid Elapse Ability Maneuver(ing) to work with great comprehension in the Fluid Elapse Ability members minds, bodies, souls, and spirits building and creating knowledge, good judgment, and wisdom to be wise Building a sound Psyche and a Bright and Brilliant Ora. In my name I'm Asking now and forevermore in Supplicant Appreciation.

               To go back to tradition is the first step forward so to end with the Black National Anthem is a must in Prayer with L.O.A.

By James Weldon Johnson
Music by Rosamond Johnson

Lift Every Voice and Sing:

Lift Every Voice and Sing Till Earth and Heaven Ring. Ring with the harmonies of liberty. Let our rejoicing rise high as the list'ning skies, Let it Resound Loud as the Rolling Sea.
Sing a song, Full of the Faith that the Dark Past has taught Us. Sing A Song, Full of the Hope That Present Has Brought Us. Facing the rising Sun of our new Day Begun, Let Us March on `Til victory is won.

Stormy the road we trod, Bitter the chastening Rod felt in the days When Hope Un born had died; Yet with a steady beat have not our weary feet come to the place for which our fathers signed? We have come over a way that with tears have been watered;

We Have Come Treading Our Path Through The Blood Of The Slaughtered. Out of the gloomy past, `till now We stand at last where the white gleam of our Bright star is cast.

God of our Weary Years, God of Our Silent Tears, Thou who Bought us thus Far On the Way; Thou who by Thy Might let us into the light keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the place, our God , where we met thee; Lest our hearts, drink with the wine of the world we forget thee; Shadowed beneath thy hand my we forever stand True to our God True to Our Native Land. 


Fluid Elapse Ability ProficientaccostPoliticalAlliance
     Live, Life, Love, Living

Monday, February 22, 2016

Fluid Elapse Ability The Martial Art In Church Warrior's Code by Waziri Guru Varick Choice

                            Fluid Elapse Ability
                              The Martial Art In Church

          Because cowardice, and hypocrisy are virtues of warfare a Warrior code is created to build the Warrior in who we are.


          A true Warrior knows how to Win which is to succeed by effort which is to breed; to achieve by effort which is to breed; by laboring to victory which is good breeding. A true Warrior breeds family, life, love, and living.  A true Warrior breeds courage to stand in quick decision, sturdy in principle, nimble in actions;  A true Warrior breed equanimity to embrace all emotion and instinct turning fear into fire, doubt into assessment, stress into faith and explosive temper into good judgment knowing the road to the heart is through the ear, and the eyes are the stage that perform for the mind thus a true Warrior breed Fluid Elapse Ability.   

Warrior Body Chemistry

Honor+Trust= Perseverance+Worthy= Glory+
Solidarity= Equanimity+Indomitable Will+Principle= Nibleziseation
( Bring this body chemistry to a complete nexus with psyche as a warrior it is important to gain approval from the amid and humble the villains to appeasing admiration.)

Warrior's Therapy

                        A Warrior therapy is to exercise the devil within and with out the mind, body, soul, and spirit don't live in shame as shame prisoner but die to shame and contempt and die doing away with fictitious leaving nothing behind celebrating in handicrafts, music, dancing with in a sense of social belonging celebrate in athletics, recreation and the 7 principle for the first step forward is to go back to tradition because only a Warrior who is not afraid of dying is worthy of serving his Lord within and without. 

Warrior's Set Self Apart

               A Warrior set themselves apart from the merciless, the pitiful, and the ruthless to become a Warrior.  A Warrior set themselves apart from the night and the day the dark and the light and becomes the narrator and the navigator.  A Warrior set themselves apart from non ideas and non directive pursuits to conquer and gain clarity in cultural and technological transition.

Warrior's Deduction of Logic

                A Warrior's trust in his instinct is his guidance from God.  A Warrior trust in his deduction is his inspiration from God.  A Warrior trust in his wisdom is his enlightenment from God.  A Warrior trust in his labor is his blessings from God.  A Warrior trust in his work is his gift from God.  A Warrior trust in his logic is his truth from God.  A Warrior who trust in himself being wise is his faith in God.

You must exercise you eyes
You must exercise your ears
You must exercise your heart
You must exercise your mind
You must exercise your touch