Monday, February 22, 2016

Fluid Elapse Ability The Martial Art In Church Warrior's Code by Waziri Guru Varick Choice

                            Fluid Elapse Ability
                              The Martial Art In Church

          Because cowardice, and hypocrisy are virtues of warfare a Warrior code is created to build the Warrior in who we are.


          A true Warrior knows how to Win which is to succeed by effort which is to breed; to achieve by effort which is to breed; by laboring to victory which is good breeding. A true Warrior breeds family, life, love, and living.  A true Warrior breeds courage to stand in quick decision, sturdy in principle, nimble in actions;  A true Warrior breed equanimity to embrace all emotion and instinct turning fear into fire, doubt into assessment, stress into faith and explosive temper into good judgment knowing the road to the heart is through the ear, and the eyes are the stage that perform for the mind thus a true Warrior breed Fluid Elapse Ability.   

Warrior Body Chemistry

Honor+Trust= Perseverance+Worthy= Glory+
Solidarity= Equanimity+Indomitable Will+Principle= Nibleziseation
( Bring this body chemistry to a complete nexus with psyche as a warrior it is important to gain approval from the amid and humble the villains to appeasing admiration.)

Warrior's Therapy

                        A Warrior therapy is to exercise the devil within and with out the mind, body, soul, and spirit don't live in shame as shame prisoner but die to shame and contempt and die doing away with fictitious leaving nothing behind celebrating in handicrafts, music, dancing with in a sense of social belonging celebrate in athletics, recreation and the 7 principle for the first step forward is to go back to tradition because only a Warrior who is not afraid of dying is worthy of serving his Lord within and without. 

Warrior's Set Self Apart

               A Warrior set themselves apart from the merciless, the pitiful, and the ruthless to become a Warrior.  A Warrior set themselves apart from the night and the day the dark and the light and becomes the narrator and the navigator.  A Warrior set themselves apart from non ideas and non directive pursuits to conquer and gain clarity in cultural and technological transition.

Warrior's Deduction of Logic

                A Warrior's trust in his instinct is his guidance from God.  A Warrior trust in his deduction is his inspiration from God.  A Warrior trust in his wisdom is his enlightenment from God.  A Warrior trust in his labor is his blessings from God.  A Warrior trust in his work is his gift from God.  A Warrior trust in his logic is his truth from God.  A Warrior who trust in himself being wise is his faith in God.

You must exercise you eyes
You must exercise your ears
You must exercise your heart
You must exercise your mind
You must exercise your touch   

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