Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Fluid Elapse Ability Talk Off Proposal by Varick Choice

(F.E.A) Fluid Elapse Ability

Proposal Prepared For: Varick Choice Website

Money Requested: Grants, Donations, Investors

Tax Status: Regular for Non profit & Profit

                            Mission Statement

            We respectfully bring church and state together as one as it should be while practicing no religion of any kind.  We dwell in Church 24 hours a day for church is body, mind, soul, and spirit and it is this temple we build up to perfect humanity enjoying life, love, and living by embracing work with faith to effectively rid ourselves of the unnecessary of man made religion, phobias, illnesses, poverty, and one sided justice.  We do this through the many departments of Fluid Elapse Ability.


            To utilize Fluid Elapse Ability and it's departments to restore a perfect civilization.  The departments are as follow; Proficientaccost Political Alliance; Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing; The Martial Art In Church Fluid Elapse Ability, Choice, Varick Generator's & Turbine's; Epithetical Abacus; Purgation Cleaning Security.


            Fluid Elapse Ability is a Non-Profit & a Profit firm.  It is a new ExpoundReformed proprietary innovation to be a Sole Proprietor of Entrepreneur.  Fluid Elapse Ability does have a Board of Demurer which are the investors that completes the Sole Proprietor of Entrepreneur as a true firm and conglomerate with out the corporate hassle.


            We are a fresh and a new company providing an all in one service for residential, commercial, and governmental basic needs of a consultant, Informing, lobbying, Security, counseling, exercise training, ministry, spa, Martial art training, media, community center, social club, products & services, cleaning, cleansing, and grooming.  Our company will simplify our clients burdens of securing basic needed service all year round for all seasons.

Choice, Varick
(F.E.A) Fluid Elapse Ability
Milwaukee, WI. 53209

Prepared For:
Proficientaccost Political Alliance Website
Prepared By: 
The ExpoundReformer Waziri Guru Deacon Varick Choice

Table Of Content:

Executive Summary:

(F.E.A) Fluid Elapse Ability Over View:
Business Process
Articulating Governance & Information

Humbly & Earnestly As For Your Help:



Public communities Installments In Awards:


Marketing Plans:
Technology/ Development Plan

Financial Plan:


Integrity Of The Company:

Appendix: Financial Projections

Fluid Elapse Ability
Executive Summary:

Hi; My name is Varck Camron Choice I put this company together because I realize many business needed to restructure there life just as many Americans need to restructure their lives today.  Trust is the key word, and I have been a martial artist over 25 years with my own martial arts Fluid Elapse Ability and I have worked in armed security, collections, skip tracing, cleaning, and customer service for years so I thought why not combine the experience increasing the security in purgation, cleaning and cleansing the grounds of dirt, grime, and undesirables and as a minister ending distrust by building a trust worthy church employee adding the new look to employee with true grooming of body, mind, soul and spirit that is federal & state friendly. It is difficult to find good help but you can get great help through the all in one care of Fluid Elapse Ability.                 Sincerely, Varick C. Choice

(F.E.A) Fluid Elapse Ability Over View:

            In this brief synopsis you will see that Fluid Elapse Ability is the future which will improve our basic social contract as citizens.  Fluid Elapse Ability in business architecture genus at it's finest because with in the with in the departments of Fluid Elapse Ability you have profit and nonprofit businesses that will not file for the 501(c)(3) thus keeping all it's liberties, immunities, and privileges with out loosing it's government influence or pull as a democracy.


             Fluid Elapse Ability stop all rebel rousing because it is not a religion and does not practice any religion while taking care of your needs which is more then just spiritual.  Fluid Elapse Ability provide a complete care of body, mind, soul, and spirit.  Fluid Elapse Ability is a firm and with the Board of Demurer completing Fluid Elapse Ability as a true conglomerate for franchising, and enterprising the lucrative possibilities has know limits.  Fluid Elapse Ability is a Martial Art In Church and the Church is our Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit hence Fluid Elapse Ability will be the first Federal, State, government friendly Church; we have corrected the forefather definition of church because the forefather did not mean church because it is impossible to separate body, mind, soul, and spirit from the government the forefathers meant separation of religion and state. Yes it is separation of religion and state. You could never separate the church for the state because it is the church that make makes the state being Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit.  Fluid Elapse Ability is a School; an advocacy; Non-Profit organization; Fluid company in yard work; We provide products and services; Profit organization; Political alliance; Social Club; We are a cleaning security; Multi Media; A consultant and lobbyist; We push to thrive in inventions, engineering, and innovations always securing our future as each generation gets better delegating and developing movements towards progress.

Business Processes:

            Fluid Elapse Ability will pay it's taxes by the letter of the law and not look for short cuts we will take all basic exemption as a non-profit, and a profit as Fluid Elapse Ability does has different departments that do qualify for non-profit as a school, church, social club etc to be non-profit and a profit credit.
            All donations, contributions, Quid Pro Quo, etc will be handled by the letter of the law and proper disclosure, written acknowledgement, etc will be given to the donor's by the letter of the law.

Fluid Elapse Ability Department work as Follows:

Educational Advocate Of Community Legislation Healing is the department for us to lobby, perform community services, community schooling and education, licensing and registrations, athletic programs, public recreational relations and recreational trips, community transportation, and health care.

Choice, Varick Generator's & Turbines is the department for our Products of inventions and innovations of generators, turbines, cars, boats, planes, apartment buildings of the future, homes of the future, batteries of the future, vacuum cleaners of the future stoves, refrigerators, hologram televisions, engines of the future, etc......

Proficientaccost Political Alliance is the department for keeping a voice and being heard by the democracy social club and alliance getting people elected for office, classes on political science, moving the courts and legislator, bill proposals, etc..........

The Martial Arts In Church Fluid Elapse Ability is the department for Church services ( remember Fluid Elapse Ability definition of Church is Church being Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit) work with faith healing, martial art classes, rescue awareness, missionary work and services, products and services, work with faith health care and services.

Purgation Cleaning Security is the department for cleaning services, purging services, security services, yard work & yard art with grounds keeping etc..........

Epithetical Abacus is the department for the media such as magazines, News, T.V. net works, radio stations, music studio, move studio, and multi media.

Articulating Governance & Information:

            Fluid Elapse Ability is a franchise and enterprise for cooperative economics for habitation with inhabitants which bases it's sphere on chronological presentation, development of concepts,
motivation approach, presentation of all factors, and mirror the strongest influence placing a scope on the aims of political and national power, the ideals which were believed to provide the true foundation of that power, the methods adopted by state of the promotion and regulation of commerce, industry, agriculture, and technology; as we stay in firm reality to a higher consciousness to stay ahead and prevail over the innumerable confusion that invariably emerge with in and with out periods of cultural and technological transitions. In this way we bring to life for citizen habitation and the inhabitants as Aristotle's philosophy that " the natural way to get wealth is by skillful person agement of house and land" thus we build and increase a beautiful culture and tradition.  Fluid Elapse Ability emphasis must be brought through sound ethical norms, general philosophy, patience with descant tolerance of politic logic with real definition of education being the knowledge of Church, and State, and every government in it's habitance. 

            I simple grammar we are going to put the community in the building and allow them to operate there small business for their payment of tides.  This will increase popularity and install in each church, family, friends, business and politics which is a Holy relationships to build on.  We will also operate the business of Fluid Elapse Ability through each department which will employ the community with good jobs and responsibility.  We will delegate our economic stability through nation wide community legislation healing as we franchise and enterprise the business building and creating a better and more perfect united state of mind in the United States of American.


            There is very little risk in this company because everything is based off church and labor filling a need and void that has been in every ones lives, living, love, and life in urban areas with suburban and rural cooperative economics.  In do time we will grow and expand hiring quality employees, volunteers, independent agencies that can be trusted therefore we will grow this company slow but it will be on demand for great quality in strategy and we will expand by missionary's, franchising and enterprising to responsible individuals who are members of Fluid Elapse Ability who want to have a good solid business and improve the economy of their inhabitance.  Nothing will spoil, we will be advertised through word of mouth and Internet website networking, we don't need a lot of cash registers, we don't have high utility bills, we don't need a lot of computers, and basic advertising in the telephone book and basic sales marketing is enough to start strong as we build a reliable work force.  Our over head to start is very low therefore profits can be seen and established right away.

Vender & Targeting:

            We will work for government, residential, and commercial abode including apartment buildings, malls, department stores, groceries stores, drug stores, ware houses, factories, day cares, disable residents & nursing homes, government and  offices buildings. Our targets is  literally everybody and every one young and old, male and female, and we pack such the verity of service with cooperative economics that we can not fail or fall in community legislation's healing bonding with the habitants with the habitat to create a beautiful ora and economic stability.


            We are the first of our kind as a Church, martial art, industry, health care, and customer service who target is every one who needs are real therefore it is not a thing that lends significance to a movement in its moment it is the movement in it's moment that lends significance to person, place, and thing for you have to have passion to end sorrow and church is passion and passion is not brought through escape, passion is there when you stop trying to escape for know one can nor ever tried to escapes the needs of body, mind, soul, and spirit which is the one and only true church of God that has no religion; but every one will try to escape from the one sided justices and lunacy of religion.  Every one want to be part of a winning team and a good solid organization that provide live, life, love, and living guaranteeing their liberties, rights, privileges, and immunities in federal and state laws as well as the laws of nature.
            Fluid Elapse Ability is the Now..!!  Quality of your consciousness is that what determines your future, and your degree of presence determines the quality of your consciousness, thus true change through the Now is enlightenment in socialization so the only place where quality change occur is where past is resolved and resolution is resolutioned.  We have no real competition because of our Business architecture bridges between "Church" as "Enterprise" which I have engineered with the 9 P's from my Fluid Elapse Ability's Texts book " Meetings Cooperative Economics Reconciliation Mechanism & Implementations" and the 9 P's are Principle; Practice: Principalities: Perspective: Paramount: Power: Perks: Prestige, adding up to a world class Business Practice in Praxis.

Humbly & Earnestly Ask for Help:

            Please do not allow derogative propaganda to enter your ears or mind about us. We are Fresh and New therefore No one and No body can speak derogatorily about us if they are not a member who finished the program and is now a 1st degree Guru or higher. That is our true beauty because everybody needs something to invest in that is fresh and new also unspoiled and untainted.
          I ask this because when religions start to loose their members they will attack the person, place or thing their members are going to and create an argument over words, disrespect others roll models, prophets, and saviors.  We at Fluid Elapse Ability Will do no arguing over words nor any rebel rousing.  We at Fluid Elapse Ability will just do the Business.


            Please do not allow derogative propaganda to enter your ears or mind about us at Fluid Elapse Ability.  We are a fresh and new business and Fluid Elapse Ability do not want you to put Fluid Elapse Ability in any one else propaganda especial religious propaganda that is a derogative light because we are a Church. 
           Please understand we have nothing to do with religion nor are we like religion being the pot calling the kettle black.

This is what Fluid Elapse Ability and the members of Fluid Elapse Ability stand for and believe in the following:

            We are the children of humanity and we recognize ourselves to be human born on the planet earth so we respect all that is human, being humane in thought and actions.  We are the Gardener's and Craftsmen's of this planet a responsibility we accept as humanity's truth and a responsibility we can not run from nor escape.  We accept the fact that know religion can explain God but can explain us as human, so we have taken religion out of our church to be one body in humanity in order to better building the temple of God which is church and church is body, mind, soul, and spirit.
           We believe through Fluid Elapse Ability we have finally obtain true freedom with liberation from others self seeking & self-righteousness, and their rebel rousing, and their lies with lack of knowledge forcing one sided justice with great dread and despair.  Thus through Fluid Elapse Ability by making no claims to any religion we stop the division of humanity and better build the temple of the individual which is true church being body, mind, soul, and spirit.
            We believe in unity for know person can escapes responsibility.  We believe in one God and that God has help so there is know need to be converted from your religion for we at Fluid Elapse Ability have no religion.  We at Fluid Elapse Ability believe religion is an ugly vice that create quarreling, jealousy, racism, outburst of anger, division, selfish ambition, hostility, participation in demonic activities, impure thoughts, a restlessness eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, and sexual immorality.
            We believe we are restoring the Church through Fluid Elapse Ability by dropping all religion to create in us a civilization of joy, love, peace, kindness, faithfulness, patience, goodness, self control, gentleness and good works that will not conflict with any law.  We never make less of any roll model, prophet, leader, philosopher, or hero because it would make less of the whole therefore we refrain from being the pot calling the kettle black practices of religion and rebel rousers and learn the good and bad, the folly and fool, to create a better day and future then the past.  Thus we believe in the Quadruple God whom is God the creator God, God the Ancestral God, God the Holy Ghost God , and God the Holy Spirit God who build and bring the temple together as one being body, mind, soul and spirit.


            Derivatives are generally used as an instrument hedge risk which is a means of protection or defense yet derivatives can be used for speculative purposes; and can be characterized high leverage making the firm Fluid Elapse Ability offense for the Board of Demurer of Fluid Elapse Ability.  The Martial Art in Church Fluid Elapse Ability is a Firm and can be used as or like the best derivative especially credit derivative and still stand strong with it's own asset's as a sole proprietor of entrepreneur, a franchise, and an enterprise make it value unlimited.

Public Communities Installments in Awards:

             We are church in business so we have strong work with Faith belief in the way that we do things as a martial art in church.  Therefore we have our own licensing and registration department: notary, copy writes, trademarks, Patons department.  This will be a big plus to members and the community protecting themselves when they have little money to work with to accomplish themselves with trades, creativity, and personal business.
            On site Medicare with doctors & dentist working 8 hours shifts 24 hours a day benefiting doctor's , community, and healthcare pricing solving the problems with health care once and for all.
            We are parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts, bothers, sister, nieces, nephews, cousins, and friends from the comunity engaging in community legislation healing being an educational advocate we will have many classes from a to z to improve ourselves through a united educated events in shows, plays, art exhibits, movie showings, poetry, athletic games, bike riding, etc...

            We will provide service for memebers and community Body Mind Soul and Spirit building better psyche of the individuals of the inhabitant with habitat.  We will provide many jobs and employment for memebers and community while encouraging personal business to fuel coopertive economics. we will give certificates and licensing for completed classes and build our work with faith based on truth with an inventive and innovative economics boost of responsibility with cooperative economics in community legislation healing keeping the money coming in and circulating residents and business in our community and nation.

            We realize 12 years of schooling only makes you a scholar as a high school graduate and you can not make any money off a high school education so we offer to add with our children 4 trades with licensing and certificates for every 4 years of school by the student's choice to insure effective business and a improved economical base in our communities learning to get rid of slums, ghettos, and pogroms out of Blackcolour communities which is a harsh goverment and replenish our communities with good neighborhoods, suburbs, and beautiful thriving communities and nations around the country no matter the subdivision or grid be it urban or rural or suburb.

            We will sell our own products and services such as generators & turbines of the future; cars, trucks, vans, of the future that don't need to be plugged in for a charge nor gas to power it; boats that can't be sunk nor need today's fuel to change or power it; air planes that can fly and never need to stop for fuel; all this will save people large amounts of money in recreation and business life on gas and electricity as well as it will save in residential homes will have no more gas bills or electric bill because we will be building the homes of the future with Choice, Varick Generator's & Turbine's.


             The most important peace of equipment that will be needed is the building, and land because everything starts from a strong foundation.  Maximizing the space of the land and the buildings will be a must to make everything happen in the same amount of space.  Therefore we will need a high-rise parking structure for play and parking to make everything happen with the building in order to have skating rinks, playgrounds, etc.. with out disturbing the residents while we engages in community legislation healing. just think basket ball can be played with out disturbing the residents which is the number one complaints with playgrounds in residential areas but these kids have to go some where positive and still be supervised late at night and we can provide all that with a high-rise parking structure and building as big as a high school.  I need 4 locations in the city of Milwaukee for this to happen and work for all the inhabitants.

Marketing Plan:

            This portion of our task we will rely on Fluid Elapse Ability's " Need & Greed economic theory" for we are doing business with humanity which boundaries set steadfast in emotions that push to agendas who's precedents only emerge through impulse, leverage, and personal esteem.  Working through the internet with free websites such as Blogger, Youtube, Tweeter, and Facebook will be a major factor for nation wide and world wide net working and marketing of the business with the awareness to use key words to be found or to pop up in research vehicles like Yahoo, Google, RoadRunner, etc... Email has become a dirty word for marketing but it will be used only through networking friends, family encouragement so we will not lose our good reputation as a harassing solicitor; Then it is back to the matrix with flyer, radio, T.V., phone book, magazines, newspapers, and word of month advertising events, service, fundrasing, products, services, work with faith health care.

Technology/ Development Plan:

            Our Technology Architecture is align strategic objective in Fluid Elapse Ability " Need & Greed economical theory" formed with articulate structure capabilities using governace, business processes, and business information in collaboration; integration, platforms, networks, system management, and tactical demands.  therefore measuring and tracking projections, effective advertising equations & effectiveness, Inventory clutter, supply and demand, bills and billing solutions, and orchestration overviews.

Financial Plan:

            This portion of our task we will rely on the economic theory of " Supply and Demand" making mainstream headway with lobbying building strong bonds with constituency and consortiums being persuasive with duration by calculating generation's & life span's; production per square; the hip; the cool; the intellecual; the fool and naive. This will enable use to work the supply and demand effectivly for profit and continual revenue thus making the most of equilibrium price and quantity with out over production nor under production keeping people with steady employment while maximizing profits at all times.

Team: not avalible for website

Integrity of the Company:

            We are a church with no religions demand so we automatically scream friendly to the hearts and minds of the inhabitants and gain the trust of the governments and business because of the responsibility of seperation of religion and state; you can never seperate church and state because church is body, mind, soul, and spirit, which is the direct heart of the state and federal government, business, communities, and residents.  We are a martial art so we automatically sing maturity & enlightenment to the hearts and minds of the inhabitants. We are a franchise and enterprise so we are the passion as a inventor's commodity to invest in and we are the future to a perfect civilization; we are an industry bring good hope and cheer to America.  We are P.A.P.A Proficientaccost Political Alliance, We are E.A.O.C.L.H. Educational Advocate of Community Legislation Healing, We are Epithetical Abacus, We are Choice, Varick Generator's & Turbine's, We are Purgation Cleaning Security, Yes we are Fluid Elapse Ability.

Appendix: Financial Projections: Not avalible for this site at this time.

Milwaukee Population currently
 About 594,833






Male                                            Females
Total                                            Total


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