Sunday, February 24, 2019

TAX PLAN of Fluid Elapse Ability Proficientaccost Political Alliance Building an Advance Civilization

The 16 Amendment of the United States Constitution did not give the federal government the right to tax the United States citizen it gave them the power to tax the state. The 16 Amendment states (1913): "The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on income, from, whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration." 
 The definition of Enumeration reads:
 The definition of Apportionment read:
The definition of Census read:
Therefore what the 16 Amendment is saying they are going to collect taxes from the state on the state income without taxing the citizen of each state; hence it said " without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration." 
The definition to Over-Taxation read:

 You can only tax the people once not twice taxing the people twice is clearly over-taxation on your gross income, or property you own or purchase. For example we get taxed twice on our gross income for state and federal hence federal suppose to collect it's taxes from the State, and as we have already paid the state and federal government taxes on our gross income we do not suppose to be subject to paying sales taxes for we do not suppose to be taxed on our overhead for it is not an income it is an expense to run House Hold and Business. Overhead is account fees, advertising, insurance, interest, legal fees, labor burdens, rent, repairs, supplies, telephone bill, utility bills, travel expenditures and food. This is the plot of Capitalism that over-tax the citizen who do not suppose to pay taxes. The people whom suppose to pay taxes do not pay taxes is the foreigner who buys land and do business in this country. The citizen suppose to be free as the children of the land. 

Yes the citizen is the children of the nation or country who are free. It is the foreigner yes others who suppose to get taxed. We even are getting taxed by the city raising the prices on driver license and license Plates and much more this over-taxation has to stop. It is Capitalism that stops the federal government for taking care of the citizen welfare with Citizen Checks. The federal government do not need money they print the money and have complete Sovereignty Monopoly Solvency. It is because of Capitalism the government refuse to give it's citizen there warfare allowance a refusal that creating Over-Government and wasteful spending on criminal justice and poverty programs. Only through dropping Capitalism and going back to this government original set up of Tribalism as we will be without capitalism will we create a perfect government and an Advance civilization. 

Tax Plan of Fluid Elapse Ability Proficientaccost Political Alliance

Plan 1. To stop the over Taxation of sale taxes on the citizen of the United States in every state and to make the foreign business pay their own Taxes for the money they make in the United States of America as Well as making the USA business pay there own taxes on the money they make.   

Plan 2. To Stop the over Taxation of the United States citizen by Stopping the United State citizen from being tax twice for their gross income by state and federal government. The Federal government do not need money; nor suppose to tax the citizen according to the 16 Amendment of the United States Constitution the Federal government is suppose to tax the state on it's gross income.        Therefore We plan to make a 2 dollar tax that come from every citizen in the United States called the Road and Duty Tax which 1 dollar is for the state and 1 dollar for the federal government that will be taken out of every paycheck, be it W2, Social Security, or Work check, etc,... every pay period or check. Large Salaries 8 dollar will be taken for 2 dollars a week. The state will collect the Road and Duty tax and pay the federal government their 1 dollar out the 2 then the state will give the 1 dollar for the state to each city in the state as to every residency of each city the dollar came from for there road and duty repairs and maintenance of the City. The state will have it's normal State tax to operate off as well as the city with out raising prices or taxes on government services. Putting an end to inflation and over taxation of the Citizen by the Federal, State, and Cities of the United States. 
 3. Again the federal government is suppose to get its tax money from the foreign countries and the foreigners doing business here in the United States so we will be repairing the laws on Scott and Tariff.

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