Saturday, January 30, 2016

Fluid Elapse Ability New Day In the BlackColour man and the ColourBlack man by Varick Choice

                                              The Martial Art In Church
                                                         Church is Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit
                                                             Never Confuse Church with Religion


              Let's Bank on a New Col - means a pass between two peaks or a gap in a ridge; thus Col - means to us mother and father, grandparents, or ancestral history we pass between, and Our - mean of or relating to us; used to indicate possession, agency, or reception thus the new term BlackColour and ColourBlack because it includes the whole ancestral history.  Colour is British variant of Color.  Therefore BlackColour people are and is Blacks, Negros, Mulatto, HalfBreeds, Afro-Americans, African-Americans, Colors etc.., in ancestral history from North American, South America, Africa.  We are going give help and get our help from ColourBlack people who are Blacks, Negros, Mulatto, HalfBreeds, Colours etc.., in ancestral history from Asia, Europe, Australia.  We BlackColour's and ColourBlack's are the majority of the world although the majority of our brothers and sisters will not admit it like Jew's, Italian's, Arabic's, and Orientals.  Any one with a big nose has black ancestral history hence real Jew's, Italian's, Indian's, Arabic's, and Orientals pride themselves on having that big nose wide or long or both because that means their truly rooted and pure in their ethic group meaning you have black in you.

               We are one race humanity with many different ethnic groups as we spread out all over the world or at the time of the tower of babble when God made us all speak a different language and spread us out throughout the earth.  So we need to get rid of the lies and start a new with truth.  We need to stop teaching and talking about slavery and inequality because they keep the power over us and our children as we keep talking about slavery we have to let it go and build a new.  After all white people was slaves too but you don't hear them speaking about it, do you?  You never hear white people speaking about their slave days in slavery.  You barely hear white people talk about labor camps and sweatshops which was nothing but slavery.  We must do likewise and leave it in the past and speak of our accomplishments which is rich and abundant here in America and around the world.
Think about it and how we have been destroying ourselves by doing so.  If your mother got save in church 50 years ago and everyday by somebody telling you that your mother was a prostitute since you was a child, how would that make you fill? How would that make you think of yourself?  Would you call those people a friend telling you this everyday of your life? Would you say those people is just trying to give you your history to make you better in life? Or would you say the truth is they are trying to hurt you I mean hurt you right down to the core, I mean they are trying to hurt your body, mind, soul, and spirit?  We must stop!!!

               We were taught the Negro professional and the Negro intellectual have been our problem for years exploiting us, oppressing us, suppressing us by learning how they played Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X did a speech on it and how they attacked him and played Martin Luther King Jr. and so many other black hero's and prophets.  The Negro professional and the Negro intellectual make there money off us as we start to build a new day and improve ourselves by being our poverty pimps, suppressors, and oppressors of us and giving bad advice to make us fail they know we will come to them for help to rebuild because they have the degrees, licensing, etc, just to extort us and make their money off us and our ignorance, lack of education or degree, and our gullibility to trust another black person.  This is the importance of starting a new with the BlackColour man and the ColourBlack man being unafraid and secured to stop speaking and thinking bad, or derogative about ourselves and build a more clean and beautiful world in truth and can do life, love,and living for himself and forge a clean and beautiful culture.

               We have our own white people we call mother, father, sister, brother, nephew, niece, cousin etc, so don't get this movement confused with supremacy or nationalism.  We have our nations world wide and we are going to build a perfect world because we can.

              The first campaign will start in March to get citizen checks for $2,500.00 a Month.  Citizen check will rid us of all the wasteful spending by putting the help or welfare directly in the people hands where it is needed to be for a strong never failing economy. I know I would be a better employee with out worries or pain; This will eliminate much crime, criminal programs, food stamps, W2 or welfare programs that keep people in poverty, etc.

               The second campaign will be to deflate and sustain pricing to make ten dollars an hour mean something again.  We do not need to raise minim wage!, it don't work it just create inflation and more problems then it is worth.  We will control pricing so money can be made by citizens, sole proprietors, monopolies, oligopolies etc we need everything to create a perfect world so stop thinking one or the other is the devil.

               The third campaign will be to get rid of capitalism for our government because it do not work nor have a place in government.  Government needs to be government thus it is the best business for humanity and can not be a monopoly hence capitalism.  Government print the money and the money like government has it's worth because of the citizen not the reserves, government must keep all government business such as water works, USPS etc because we can not trust individual companies to provide quality service with out cutting corner or taking short cuts to make money and maximize profit.  No employer could hire every person in the United States so stop calling people lazy or dead beats because they can't get a job and stop forcing businesses to become the citizen government is just putting the employer into slavery.  Businesses is and are in business to make money not to spend and loose money on their employee's.  We need to keep a capitalistic country but not a capitalistic government.  Here in the U.S. we have a perfect government with a monarchy the " President ", republic "  "Congress ", " Legislator ", and democracy " Citizens " yes our government is perfect it is the corrupt hearts and minds we elect which make our government seem flawed.  Therefore we will not change our perfect government but get the capitalism out because it has no place in government; and get rid of the corrupt hearts and minds that want to oppress, and suppress, our new day in truth and love; and yes keep the capitalistic country but get rid of the capitalistic corruption's to give citizen just enough to pay bill and give citizen enough to live, life, love, and living and make capitalism perfect. A economy and politics work better when the pricing is equal and controlled for the direct benefits of our humanity.

When we bank on America we are saving to see a better future with live, life, love, and living because we have the power.  We the citizen are and is the heart and soul of this country thus the conflict of human life is directly proportional to the distance at which an energy of personality exists separately from the soul it is said you can see in an irresponsible position of create; We must bring body, mind, soul, and spirit together as one to build a perfect habitat because the soul exists outside of time the perspective of the soul is with out limitations of the personality.  We must build clean and beautiful and keep it in our hearts and minds to build and nourish soul and spirit for there are horrible people who instead of solving a problem tangle it up make the problem harder to solve thus keeping us out of balance, hence simplicity is always right.  Because the soul and the country is not confined to time the past of personality releases currents of fear and doubt so who ever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be ask not to hit it at all. The irrationality of things is no argument against it's existence rather a condition of it thus when a person is in full balance you cannot see where the personality ends or where the soul begins for it travels beyond the void, beyond the apex's, beyond the zenith and it does what it suppose to do each and every time in harmony with our world and universe. We are in the image of God let make him proud and build in perfection in the 50 states, territories, and around the world.


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