Monday, November 29, 2010

Fear, Security, Panic, Alliance = WAR! & Insite to Chaos

Here we lay and there we stand as NATO makes a new pack and the thirst of war is fresh on the breath basically everywhere. The battle of cyber terrorism is coming to an brief end as new confidants take over and the computer crazy continues as well as the race for nuclear power and security has made it's way to the world and the race for space is in silents for the moment for the US has plans to build rods from God and countries are now getting there hands on nuclear capability that was kept from them for so many years but we no it can't be kept from them forever. Korea has made it clear that they will be a world power with nuclear capability and now the middle east is in a place of power as they are getting set to build nuclear plants yet some one put hits out on their top scientist like some Television move at full throttle with the action red hot and the energy leave you swelling in your sit. Some one used Motorcycles to attach magnetized bombs to two scientist cars in Tehran and Israel and the west get the blame right now. There was another attack in 2007 a scientist died of gas poisoning. They have had officers abducted and a worm called Stuxnet to make the plant go kooboom!!!!! The US have bought new programs trying to get the cyber terrorism under control yet have plan to cyber terrorize or to be the first to be able to knock out others satellites from space or more correctly put, to shoot down other's satellites in space from space. Panic is arises as the attempt to secure airports is the new malesstation or mole-station as we are being groped and grab, photo-ed in the nude and soon probed as it all will fail to stop any terrorism because we have gotten to the point in technology that this type of search will only back fire and make them build something undetectable and really start blowing stuff up more then once every 5 to 10 years but every day. The in site builds eventual chaos for it creates the panic and the panic creates alliance which create all out war. World War three will happen and the question is not when but at what cost!!!??? The only solution is love but with love come kindness and many take kindness for weakness creating hate thus there is a thin line between love and hate and if we don't get it in balance and keep it in balance well love and hate is power and like a nuclear plant out of control it spells kooboom!!!!!!!!!!!!! This message is from the ExpoundReformer Varick C Choice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bureaucracy, G20, and Catch22 forming the New Tri un God in Economics

Investor look out! Try to find safe investment for a sure return on your money to help with inflation over the years. A saying come to mind to start this message is "Bureaucrat burrowing mammal protected by memos, meetings and civil service codes". Right now they are trying to figure out what combination of economic power they will use as a new world wide stand for economic crisis. So how the book will be done and who get what will be the base of how your investment money will swing or down right get devoured. Remember they do thing so they stay rich, Give me a 20 billion dollar stimulus and I can give my self a 10 million dollar bonus off top plus make more money with it and employ a whole lot of people as any fool or stupid person could do given that kind of money including opening an insurance company. The foreclosure mess with talk of paper work is not to help anyone but to make it more difficult to get a loan on a home in the end (singling out other). This is a case what is done for good they turn to bad because Atlanta stated helping poor people get married and put them in homes which helped every one and built revenue, but some power always sabotage and like a child ain't gona say no to candy so will people just starting to learn about having a home ain't going to say no to money living out of their means. Thus the banks gave home improvement loan out in greed and in sabotages for 30 thousand a pop 2, and 3 time to the same home owner for the same home driving a 60 thousand dollar property to 160 thousand dollar property of which they knew they would never get the money back nor sell the property for 6 time what it's really worth. The system is filled with giving poor people a chance who will screw up the chance and refusing to give a chance to poor people who will not screw up to make the records say they are a bad risk you can put stereo type in this for what I am saying is true catch22. This is why we had the civil war cause that enslavement was holding us back as a Nation and allowing those fresh off the boat to gain which is the reason more money goes out the U.S then in cause they send it and send for family overseas leave generational American behind thus the over need of foreign help. Catch22 Example a person can't get a job without experience and can't get experience with out a job, now you know catch22 will send you on a impossible trip cause they will start that rotation again after no fault of your own you keep losing a job with the talk of " you are over qualified". So all investor especially those fit in a stereo type save and make safe investments to get you through this rolla coaster of life. This message is from the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice of Proficientaccost Political Alliance code name PAPA.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Economic blues or grays????????????

Now is the time to keep a watchful eye out because the seats have been taken until next term to who and what you will vote for. We are in a world wide state of economic recovery and the right balance is what is being focused on at this time. Lot of ideas and theory's but no one or country fully agree yet. This leave a lot of thinkers and individuals on pause because how are they going to handle the books is important to any investment at this time and the need for something to invest in is still the case as we look to improve the economy. Obama looking to invest in bonds will help while the nation and truthfully the world is on pause. The question is how are they going to hide the books, which is been first option for a long time now; how will they solve and improve the books with real action, we are in that movement now as it is time to do something more then bureaucracy which is based on a failing principle but seem to succeed through form of socialism programs that don't work nor really pacify. So this is good time but scary time because what the future really holds pass 2014 is unknown and can go so many ways as to make you dizzy. Law making will be a big factor as usual to the economy as to the have and have not and how the rich stay rich and over tax the poor starting with insurance laws etc... Thus I will be getting my self in place to make this political party a house hold name for the communities because it is time to take care of home and do real things in our communities to increase the value of living with out inflating when increase comes and that's what my politics is about and that is the new movement. Thank you for reading and this message is from the ExpoundReformer of Proficientaccost Political Alliance Varick Choice.

Monday, November 1, 2010

We Hire you We can fire you thoughts in voting

Tomorrow is an important day to be heard. So let your voice ring out we hire you we can fire you and let them no it's time to stop selling us out and time to take care of issues to heal. Keep this in mind we have been sold out a long time ago. The only people living the American dreams if foreigner. You can see this everywhere you look who are getting the jobs or who's the actor or rapper etc.... The point is they keep Americans from having a business yet making it easy for foreigners to buy up everything. So we have more money going out of the country then coming in which is inflating us and getting prices raised making citizen worry or placing us on some kind of welfare. Remember this when you vote and this message come from the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice. We have to think of the future and what future we leave to our children.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

President Obama a Kiss Ass & Embarrassment

President Obama has lost his mind supporting something that don't exist; is not a issue; is illegal, immoral and unethical. President Obama must not have been a good attorney and butt fu*ked his way to the top and we see how he neals because there is no such thing as gay rights. Every male and female enjoy all the constitutional rights as a nation. Gays do not need more rights then others for no person has the right to openly show sexuality in public. If any person show sexuality openly in public you can be arrest and put in jail. Saying you are gay is sexuality and no person should be hired nor elected because of sexuality nor should they get special favors. Adultery is illegal; homosexuality is illegal; fornication is illegal; shacking is illegal and etc...... Is President Obama that despaired for votes to support such behavior that is illegal for all to do but is going to ok it for gays? The law can not support such cause because it is illegal and unethical. The is a matter of having the proper decorum and demeanor when representing in public office. Gays have a psychosis thinking they are unfairly treated but I tell you there are more gays rich and wealthy then any one else. If you need a job you will be asking some gay for it so why do gays march and act like there lives are so bad. Believe me when I tell you it is biblical as it said in the bible. They eat up my people like bread! People who are not homosexual especially the males are the one discriminated, abused, harassed, and are not hired nor employed. Gays worm there way in everything in secret groups to keep male that are not gay poor and out of power and have done this for centuries. Leviticus 19:29 Do not defile your daughter by making her a prostitute, or the land will be filled with promiscuity and detestable wickedness. This is what homosexual do and the reason God said not to let them on the land because they will defile everything. Sodom and Gomorrah use to rape men passing through the town hence the term sodomize. Homosexuals are home and house wrecker male and female always tempting women to destroy their own house so the non homosexual male can not rule his house hold nor his home nor protect his children cause the women run around with homosexual in secret. They keep non homosexual out of everything and steal all the ideas of a non homosexual to make them self wanted because they have no issues, or moral then they keep the non homosexual poor so he can not do anything with his own ideas and to make him commit a crime or false-ly accuse him of a crime so he can be traped and raped in their homosexual prisons. Sound like Sodom and Gomorrah to me. The homosexual lower non homosexual number through gangs, war, and lynchings. It's time for non homosexual to stand up and fight because what Obama is doing is homosexual way of saying they have everything and is going flaunt it in everyone face cause they can do what they want because they have every ones woman and children.
This message if by the ExpoundReformer Varick Choice Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The comedy of it all.

Quotes: In order for true reason and rationale.

True comedy "said Voltaire" is the speaking picture of the follies and foibles of a Nation.

Perfect Love Cast Out Fear. What we often see in people of faith, though, is an imperfect love that embraces fear. "Leonard Pitts"

No science will ever replace myth, and myth cannot be made out of any science, for it is not that God is a myth but that myth is the revelation of a divine life in man. It is not we who invent myth, rather it speaks to us as a word of God. "Carl Gustau Jung"

To be able to practice fire things everywhere under heaven constitutes perfect virtue gravity, generosity of the soul, sincerity, earnestness, and kindness. "Confucius"

The way of Heaven has no favorites. It is always with the good man. "Lao TZU"

Proverbs 16:27 Scoundrels hunts for scandal; their words are a destructive blaze.

Proverbs 18:17 Any story sounds true until some one sets the record straight.

Proverbs 4:14-16 Do not do as wicked do or follow the path of evildoers. Avoid their haunts. Turn away and go somewhere else. For the evil people cannot rest until they have caused someone to stumble.

The ultimate measure of a man is not ware he stands in moment of comfort and convenience but ware he stand in times of challenge and controversy. "Martin Luther King"

Leviticus 19:14 Show your fear of God by treating the deaf with respect and by not taking advantage of the blind. I am the Lord.

Laws are not masters, but servants, and we rule Laws if we obey them.

Proverbs 31:8 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those who are perishing. Yes speak up for the poor and helpless and see that they get justice.

This is the basic knowledge, and philosophy to Proficientaccost Political Alliance and hence the name.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Welcome to the Introduction

Proficientaccost Political Alliance

Expoundreformer Choice, Varick


Being pursuant to the security of our rights, privileges, and immunities stated in both federal and state constitution form this alliance to protect ourselves as citizen of the United States of America and our posterity securing the blessings of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is also our immunity, and to promote the general welfare equally to all citizens in the United States of America do ordain and establish this Alliance.

Top Priority:

Being that I Varick got my foundation from the teaching of Jesus who is one of the greatest philosophers, I ask that no oaths be taken when joining Proficientaccost Political Alliance being obedient to the teaching of Jesus your word should be good enough. Further with out trust there is no alliance so I ask you to keep your word when you say you will do something then do it. Keep to your word and stay pursuant to the cause in proficientaccost preamble for the benefit of ourselves and especially our children to build our communities with prosperity, love, and respect.


The real definition of education is knowledge of church and state, of every government in one's habitance and it's history of origin especially the philosophers whom ideas is practice. You must realize this first before you go on a quest with proficientaccost, That in all biblical text the government is the main solution, or the problem. Even though we have separation of church and state in this country there is no separation for all laws in this country and any other is based on the 10 commandments and our quest is to get rid of the unnecessary laws that hinder our lives. WE do not need to be over burden! For Jesus said take my yoke it is lighter, meaning only 10 thing not to do and to do was asked by God; the other gods put over 2000 burden on you and do nothing to give you relief. If you keep the 10 commandments then no person has any reason for any more laws. ( See Begainning for further information.)

Plato: " In one habitation, the body of the inhabitant is term a state exchange with one another, and one gives, and the other receives."

No Corruption:

We are tring to bring a balance to our government and to our communities therefore we can not make the mistake of Rome whom corruption lead to their fall which caused hunger, famine, and plagues. This is what we as Proficientaccost is going to try to stop happening to our country, states, and cities, towns and villages.

Validity & Principles:

We will go about or business pursuant to the constitutions for the statutes was made mainly to take away rights the constitutions have established for the citizen. We will go by fundamental principles in ethical norm and the bible which all laws are based.

Goal & Objective:

We shall start small and think small to get Proficientaccost member in office of the common council, Police department, sheriff department, district attorney office, legislator, etc... . With the objective to guarantee votes and bring back the demeanor I hired you I will fire you. These votes can also control the electoral ballad by becoming the majority through proper alliance with all the communities in the city and state. For we have to bring back the feeling the government work for the people not the people work for the government, and we can accomplish that by first repairing our own communities and gain votes by being on the communities agenda not the democratic or republican agenda, because it do not matter who you vote for democratic or republican they will not take the issues of the communities of which government was established for. Thus.......

If we get the majority votes in the state, cities, towns, and villages the Republicans and democrats will come to us for support to get them in the big sets.

Voltaire: " The road to the heart is the ear."

Niche: "A man without a plan is not a man."

Lao-TsR: True words always seem paradoxical but no other teaching can take it's place.

Food for thought what we are up against:

Meg Greenfield, " In government and out there are vast realms of the bureaucracy dedicated to seeking more information in perpetuity if need be, in order to avoid taking action.

Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Amid the seeming confusion of our mysterious world individuals are so nicely adjusted to a system and system to another and to a whole, that by stepping aside for a moment a man exposes himself to a fearful risk of losing his place forever."

Jame H. Boren, " The inner spirit of bureaucracy lies in the exciting interplay of non- ideas and the effervescent sparking of human personalities engaged in non- directive pursuits."

Marshall Mcluhan, "Innumerable confusion and a feeling of despair invariably emerge in the periods of great technological and cultural transition."

Plato: " Who then are true philosophers those who are lovers of the truth."

( See my email address is you want to make meaningful contact.)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Knowledge: Dignity and Nobility of the woman

The dignity and nobility of wife hood, and mother hood ought to be held up before the woman of today as never before; because if this God given function of the women be ignored, or held in contempt, humanity will be called to pay a heavy penalty.

Home making is the greatest science in the world, but no science is more neglected, and unhappy homes; and divorces are the visible results.

Man is not her tyrant, and she is not his slave, but their spheres in life are different, and to that sphere each must be true.

It is for her to keep the deeper life- spring sweet, and free from bitterness. She wields a power as a wife and mother that ought to make her tremble, because she lays foundations on which life- structure are to rest, stand, or fall. What greater power is there? What more can a woman aspire to?

The home has it's sorrows, it's disappointments, it's tears, and it's heart aches; but after all that place is the only bit of heaven left on earth, and the women must carefully guard it, and let nothing take it out of her hands.

With out Godliness all other virtues would be but an artificial flower beautiful to the eye perhaps, but devoid of life.

She was not taken from the head of man, least she should rule over him; not from his feet least he should trample upon her; but she was taken from his side that she might be his equal; from under his arm that he might protect her; from near his heart that he might cherish, and love her!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Pentagon shooter; high, or driven crazy?

Is the world going crazy, or just the Pentagon shooter? Is the government really running a conspiracy? OK that ain't even a question like ain't is not a word! The government is always running some kind of conspiracy the question is whom against, why, and what for. People are always going crazy, and mad because of there logos and if they understand it, or not; If they have the knowledge to understand it, or not; If they know what to do with it, or not. It just comes down to belief. We live in a cw-rule world where conscience control belief, and it's that belief that drives us crazy. We are simple being, but try to be more complex then need be so our cw-rule society will cause a person to loose all cool and push to the unthinkable. For century's people have tried to get away from gods and how thing are done but can't do it no matter how much one may boast about doing so. The big bang theory is the same as the bibles creation yet they argue over who's right. who cares!!!? The only thing that matter is we are here not so guy ego who wants to be deemed smart. because that's what they do. They hurt us and it smarts to. Always for their own selfish reason of their own little group. You no when a person start to here voice they never heard before they will hide the truth from that person and deem that person as crazy, then claim to be trying to help the person by stopping the person from hearing the voices through deadly drugs yet hear voices them selves but is not deemed crazy or trying to stop hearing the voices. All heck! I sound like I'm talking about a conspiracy now. You no what they do to people that talk to much. Let see every one that speaks out for other through peace and love get murdered, and every one who speaks of hate and violence get praised. So I better talk like them real quick. Maybe he was just mad because they took his weed stash and drove way the hell over there to let them no about it.

This is certified true enlightenment by the Expoundrefomer Varick Camron Choice.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Heres my begainning!

As of 2/03/2010 I will be gather board member.

I am forming this political party to remind politicians that we hired them we will fire them!

* You see I am about bringing balance to the government and it's agencies which is the democracy, thus the people, thus the citizen.

* You see we have a monarchy called the president.

* You see we have a republic called the legislators, senate, and congress.

* You see we have a democracy called the citizens.

So as all thing is in three yet there is a 4th that is the neutral place yet is very important. Proficientaccost political alliance is that balance to the government for the people, thus the citizen.

Proficientaccost will keep the voice of the people thus citizen bring life back to the democracy. Free-ing the people thus the citizen from the social contract that discriminate the citizen who lack the knowledge of such hidden dogma stigmatizing to gain a dishonest advantage.

You see we end up in a viscous cycle that the republic try to get order of, but can not because the republic hires the democracy and as the democracy is under the social contract all that is hired is the ones that can do it, or better phrased the ones who have knowledge of the social contract hence they have there on little groups taking away the rights, privileges and immunities guaranteed by state, and federal constitutions.

Proficientaccost Preamble reads " Being pursuant to the security of our rights, privileges, and immunities stated in both federal, and state constitution form this alliance to protect ourselves as citizen of the United States of America, and our posterity securing the blessings of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness which is also our immunity, and to promote the general welfare equally to all citizen in the United States of America do ordain and establish this alliance".

Proficientaccost is not here to fight against the system, but take the corruption out for the system as the corruption cause to much unnecessary laws, hidden dogma, and secret groups.

* Proficientaccost looks to educate the youth, secure the homeless, and build community.

* Proficientaccost looks to lobby and bring about a better government for a new day as we have matured as a nation.

* Proficientaccost looks to bring a jubilee in building, and creating employment.

I Varick Camron Choice is the Expoundreformer and need good citizen thus people to build this political party thus a board.

Thank you for reading check out my profile.

Winning the conflict's of Living: Galatians 5:16..... I advise you to live your new life in the Holy spirit. Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature crave. The old sinful nature love to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Holy spirit wants. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, and your choices are never free from this conflict.

When you follow the desire of your sinful nature your lives will produce these evil results:
Sexual immorality, impure thoughts, eagerness for lustful pleasure, idolatry, participation in demonic activity, hostility, quarreling, outbusts of anger, selfish ambition, division, the feeling every one wrong but your own little group, envy, drunkenness, wild parties, and other kinds of sin. Those that live that sort of life will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

When the Holy spirit controls us he will produce this kind of fruit in us: Love, joy, peace, kindness, Gentleness, and self control. Here there is no conflict with the law.

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to the cross and crusified them there. If we are living now by the holy spirit, let us follow the Holy spirit leading in every part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or irritate one another, or be jealous of one another

This is certified true enlightenment by expoundreformer Varick Camron Choice.